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Give and get support around quitting


This site does not work

Sorry to say this is the BS site because it’s a computerized system and it’s not a person-to-person. how does a computer know how it is to try to quit smoking. Here’s an answer it doesn’t

66 Respuestas

Thank you for your humor, I needed that. I am glad we are real people. 


I understand what you saying,moreover try looking at things this way (you are providing a very Great Service)

your actions are always appreciated.

0 Kudos

The site works, you have to put the effort into your quit. Ask questions and share what you're going through. People will support you


those comments are Sooo Well spoken & meaningful

0 Kudos

The only thing that is BS is thinking nicotine...

reduces stress,

heightens mental clarity,

is calming, 

gives a positive boost to one’s emotional state

is not dangerous

is cool

helps deal with anger

helps deal with depression


deal with boredom.

Anyone care to add to the list?

i personally like the bot texts I get during the day.

Anyway this site in my humble opinion is the opposite of BS.

If you stick around you’ll get lots of TRUTHFUL support to help you quit.



Helped me out and still helps me me on a daily basis, real people real help. 


I would say that ciggaretts & there manufactures-mani objective would be
to have total disreguard for ones total wellnes.(but u will never see that on any of their adds)

0 Kudos

I totally understand the negative reactions you had to this site.

My first comments were like yours - I referred to the site as being Like entering the world of the Stepford Wives! Boy did I get a reaction - I guess they all forgot about it (back in August).

This group is very protective - they are committed to “the quit” and they do not appreciate anyone who voices an opinion that questions their quotes, research etc. They are (by majority) Christian and similar to an Oscar acceptance speech Thank God regularity - and that is ok but not all of us drink the same kool aid. 

This tight knit group ( only 10 respond all the time) know each other - have history together and share a real connection. They pass comments back and forth about family issues etc. Sometimes that closeness makes a visitor to the site feel like a real outsider and makes it even harder to navigate through daily discussions because you end up reading about someone’s father-in-law or gardening issues of which are of absolutely no value to someone who is trying to quit smoking.

But back to your original comment - if you can read articles recommended by certain supporters on the site and you read the responses based on years of staying quit, it will help you.

Even though I got berated for my comments on several topics I still check into the site daily and it has helped me stay quit for over 2 months. When someone asks a question or opens up a discussion about issues and roadblocks related to quitting it is of real value to read the responses from former smokers who have successfully quit.

I am convinced that the Mayo Clinic does compensate regular contributors to this site which is probably a good thing. If the regular 10 contributors don’t receive at least a trip to The Mayo Clinic Mothership in Rochester, MN then they  spend way too much time on the computer everyday - no time for gardening! 

Anyway, stick with the site - it will help you navigate through the highs and lows of overcoming an addiction.

Am sure I will be berated once more for commenting. Hopefully you will note that I was overall quite positive. Everyone is entitled to comment.


Love you 67oldbabe


I have only had a positive experience since I found this site.  I came here hoping to get support to help me quit vaping. I received fantastic help and with help if this site I am now 10 DOF. I have experienced any hidden agendas or clickishness and frankly I couldn’t care less about that stuff. What I want is useful support do I can accomplish my goal which is to never vape again. I have found that support here. Thank you to all.
