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Give and get support around quitting


This is a good sign...

Hello there current or future quitters...I just wanted to share with you something that made me really happy today. I've been smoke free for 13 days and I'm using the patch. For those who contemplate on using it, I would say go right ahead- it's awesome!!!
But anyway, I just remembered that I had a dream last night and I was in a bar eating and drinking. My friend was smoking a cigarette and offered me one. I took it, look at it, thought for a min and then THREW it away--WOW, and that's in my dream where I can really do whatever I want, but I didn't. I'm hoping that means that I am very determined not to let smoking creep it's way back in my life...
Well that's all, I was just very proud of myself. Thanks for listening
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2 Replies

How great that you are even a non-smoker in your dreams!!!!

I had a draeam several weeks ago that I was smoking at a bar....when I woke up I was really sad that I had started smoking again....then I remembered,,,it was a dream!!! Boy was I happy. 🙂

Keep rocking the quit!

Susan - Free and Healing for One Month, Twenty Four Days, 21 Hours and 46 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 11 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1006 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $289.99.
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Thank you guys, I know YOU know what that means to me and I'm happy to have people who understand and support me. I hope you are doing great too! From your replies it sounds like it.
Susan, you must be really on the right track, because if you had a dream that you smoked and then you woke up really sad, that means it was like one of those mild nightmares, which means that you truly do think that smoking IS bad...
Valerie, good job on NOT giving up- I feel the exact same way too...In the beginning when I was craving cigarette, I was thinking that if I had one, I would have to start the quit all over again, which was not an acceptable option for me, so I didn't... I hope you guys feel really proud of yourselves. I'll talk to you later
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