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Give and get support around quitting


This evening let's smile and say YAY another Day WON!

I had Mason after school wed until about 7 o'clock and yesterday too, he wanted to spend the night some bad but there's no school today and my daughter has today off and I'll be keeping him overnight Sun and Mon and getting him off to school because my daughter swings from the 1 to 11 pm shift from the wk end to 7 to 5 pm Monday and Tuesday, that's hard especially where she lives and hr from her work so I keep him here and he gets off to school while Mandy sleeps. We'll keep him overnight Thursday too and after school Friday. Anyway my friends and fellow Exers let's continue to be vigilant while enjoying our Freedom stick with N.O.P.E because it works one precious smoke free day at a time, I find even after 1019 smoke free days that the busier I am which of course makes me tired that's when every so often that thought of having just one might pop into my head but thankfully this site has educated me and I know that I would screw up my perfectly beautiful quit and that my friends is why I push vigilance. None of us Exers ever want to go back to Day One we only want DAYS WON!

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Let's make this Day WON for this and every day to come.

So happy you are on this journey with us!



Say YUP to N.O.P.E.


LOTS of days WON is the goal.  No more day ONEs.  Vigilance really is the key because it's easy to slide off the path and so terribly hard to get back on.

Mason is a lucky little boy, Marilyn, and his mom is lucky to have are WE.



YAY for another day WON!

Have a wonderful day and a great weekend.


Hi there Marilyn! Hope your Friday has been fine and dandy! Days WON for sure!!