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Things I don't miss about cigarettes

Beyond the usual things like ashtryas and the smell I don't miss:

- When the cigarette stuck to my lips and either pulled the skin off my lip or I would burn my fingers trying to pull the cigarette out of my mouth.

- When I tried to throw a cigarette out the car window and it would blow back inside the car.  Boy, that was dangerous!

- Dropping ashes on my white shirts.

- Getting an ash up my nose....

What unusual things do you not miss?

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19 Replies

wow...this is great...I forgot about those that others mentioned. How could I forget...funny but not funny! More reminders of reasons to quit..the list is sure long. never ending

How bout wondering if the cig is in burning in your car somewhere or if it did actually go out the window??

Or burning a hole in the seat of your brand new car with the cherry that fell off while driving down the road..wishing you woulda burnt your crotch instead of your new car?!! Or maybe a friends car that you borrowed?? My brother did that!

Digging in the ashtray for a butt long enough to smoke.

But you know what I really really don't miss?? The jonesen. Jonesen for one in the middle of the night, broke, digging  in the couch cushions or kids toybox or whereever to find enough change for a pack, driving on E to the closest or farthest store or bar or whatever that might be open  to buy a pack.  I have done that one a few times...sad and hard to admit . But oh soooo true. pathetic

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Being a slave to a product I know is KILLING me Promoted by corrupt big business!

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Hmm, there are so many things that I don't miss...

Feeling winded after walking up a flight of stairs.

Cravings/withdrawal and feeling grumpy about not having a cigarette.

Scraping together money from out of couch cushions and my car to try to find enough extra cash to buy some.

The heavy feeling in your chest after a day of heavy smoking.

The dirty looks from people who don't smoke.

Did I mention the smell, the stained teeth and fingers and premature aging ?

Oh yeah, and looking for a but with a little bit of extra tobacco from the ashtray. Now that's self-esteem building!


I'm happy to say that I'm totally clean for 1 year now. No lapses!!!

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Here's one that tugs at my heart....


My children are at the phase in their development where everything is "monkey see monkey do." I would be sitting outside on the deck with a cigarette and my 2 year old would walk up, put his first two fingers to his lips, pull them away dramatically, then blow. How's THAT for a guilt trip? lol

Another one is where I thought I put my cigs in a place where the kids couldn't get to them. Next thing I know, my nephew is walking out with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I don't miss my youngest playing in the ash tray. I don't miss my kids mimicking my smoking, and I sure don't miss the dependency of NEEDING a cigarette.

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~Yellow stains on my fingers

~Smoke in my eyes

~Migraine headaches

~Lead balloon lungs

~Sore throat

~My son telling me, "Mommy, you stink like smoke!"

~Sitting outside in the freezing cold or blazing heat just to get a fix.

~Tar film on the windshield


~Getting the cigarette stuck on my lipstick or lipgloss and having my fingers slide down the cigarette and burning them (lol I thought I was the only person that happened to)

~Having to plan my entire day around when and where I could smoke

~Getting winded just walking up the stairs

~Not being able to taste or smell anything properly

~Getting rained on in the car because I just had to crack the window a tiny bit to flick the ash out

~Blowing my nose and having brownish/yellow tar rub off the inside of my nostrils

~Chapped lips

~Not being able to sit at the dinner table with my family and relax after a meal, because I'd have to rush outside to light up

~Getting in trouble at work because I had to sneak and get a nic fix

~A silly, deadly substance controlling my life

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Since it's rainy this week, I'm suddenly reminded of how I'd have to walk really fast, or hide under an awning while smoking so that I wouldn't get my cigarette wet. And if you DID get the cigarette wet, how nasty it would taste.

20 days smoke free and I'm pretty excited I don't need to "strategically hold" onto my cigarette, smoke, keep it dry, all while running to avoid puddles and cars splashing me on my way to work!

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Just stop doing it or stop smoking, view this site  <a href="">timeshare relief</a>. thanks.

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~ I don't miss the smell in my car.

~ I don't miss the smell in my hair or clothing.

~ I don't miss the burnholes in my car or wondering if the butt flew out the window or is smoldering in the back floorboard.

~ I don't miss that panicky feeling I always got when I was down to the last one or two cigarettes in my pack. You know, that feeling that sends you to the store as fast as you can get there no matter what time of day or night it is.

~ I don't miss choosing a job around whether or not they have a lienient smoke break policy.

~ I don't miss freezing my butt off or looking for the best wind block to smoke a cigarette.

~ I don't miss the panic about taking longer than a two hour flight.

~I don't miss having to pull off of the road on my motorcycle just to light up.

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Some of you are sooo funny!!

The way my dog would honk and sneeze if my smoke got up her nose.

The way my throat felt.

The fear of cancer, but smoking anyway.

The way my eyes and nostrils burned

The wheezing

The stinky clothes and hair

The fear of cancer, but smoking anyway.

Smoking SUCKS!!!!!!

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I don't miss smelling like an ashtray.  Never knew I smelled that way till I quit and ran into somebody who had just went on a smoke break. 

Missing out on a movie or conversation so I could go outside to smoke.

My friends and family waving their hands and sitting elsewhere to get out of my smoke.

The wheezing at night. 

The phlem in my throat.

Yellow stains on my teeth.

Ashes everywhere.  Ash in the eye, up the nose, in my daughters eye.  Ashes Ashes everywhere.

My hard earned money up in smoke.

My life slipping away a puff at a time.

I sure missed my freedom.   Today is day 17 of smoke free with many days to come and things are getting easier.  It's no cake walk but things are easing up.  Never Take Another Puff.!

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