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Give and get support around quitting


I, too, have quit before, but my challenge is staying quit.

I smoked from age 13 to 40, quit for 10 years, and started playing around with cigarettes again 2 years ago when I started back to college for a second degree.  For some reason, I convinced myself that I needed the nicotine to focus on my studies.  Actually, it really does help me focus - but, in the long run, I know that it's just a quick fix.  If I want true results on focusing better, I could try meditation.  So, I quit again 2 weeks ago when I was really sick with a horrible cough (by the way, for the 10 years I had quit, I never got sick, but once I started smoking again, I started getting colds again - amazing, huh!?)

I joined a 6-week American Lung Association weekly group, and they are providing 6 weeks worth of patches.  Even though, I am not on the patch for over a week, my plan is to keep the patches on hand (only 7 mg - lowest dose), and put one on if I get a terrible craving to smoke.  Maybe I won't need to use any of them.  I've never tried a support group for quitting smoking before - never tried an internet one either.  Since I'm on the computer all the time anyway for school, maybe this will help.

I like everything I've read so far on this website and hopefully I can be of some inspiration to others, as well.

Thanks for being here.

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4 Replies

Hi!  I'm concerned that you may use the patch incorrectly and that it will only lead to more problems for you. Once you've quit smoking and have gone more than 3 days cold turkey using a patch would only be reintroducing your body to nicotine and your body will go right aback to the  physical addiction it had before. I used the patches in the beginning and they really helped me but I did not use them on again and off again.  There are 2 other sites that have plenty of information about the nicotine addiction. The more you know the more likely your success!  They are:  and

I know you are already in a program but these others are also helpful. You CAN do this!  We are here to support you!


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You are right about using the patches the wrong way, and I have decided that I will let the patches I have just sit there.  I have not smoked for 2 weeks and have not used a patch for 1 week.  I'm over the physical withdrawal.  So, instead of self-medicating my "difficulty with focus" while in school with smoking or patches, I will come to one of these websites for starters.  I also checked out the first of the other websites you recommend and went through module one this morning.  Thanks!  It's a good website.  Thanks to Theresa as well.


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I am so glad I watched the show The Doctors when they offered on line support. I quit for 12 years and did the most stupid thing i could do started back up! I am basically on my own. My husband just can not see why I can't just put them down and can't believe when I tell him I enjoy smoking. He does not know I have joined and I truly am not going to tell him until after the fact. I am glad to be part of a support group of  people who are and have been where I am. Will go shopping for smoking aids today. One reason I am so scared to quit is the weight gain. Thea

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How ya doin' Thea?  There's a lot of women on this website that have talked about not gaining weight - probably good sources of support.  Did you get your quit smoking aids?  ..Carol

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