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Give and get support around quitting


The only thing stopping me is...

I really, really, really want to quit smoking and I think I would/could if I wasn't apprehensive about weight gain.  I'm not vain but I have struggled with weight pretty much my whole life and I am now to my goal weight.  When my mother quit smoking she gained 45 lbs!!! And I'm okay with gaining a little weight (that's too be expected)  because you have to take the good with the bad.  But I'm nervous about gaining a huge amount!  If anyone that has quit could give me a little insight on how to quit without gaining a lot of weight, that woudl be great.  And how much weight should I expect to gain after quitting?

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3 Respuestas

I gained 13 lbs in the first three weeks after I quit! In the next 6 months I lost 34 lbs. Net effect was a 21 lb weight loss in 7 months!

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Before my actual quit date I incorporated an execercise routine. I  run or walk 3-5 days per week and also do some light lifting. After all the "huffing and puffing" I was going through I couldn't wait to quit!!! I haven't gained any weight nor lost a ton either... but you know what.... I'm not smoking and that's worth it to me! Place your concentration on living a healthy life and you'll be surprise at what you can accomplish! Good luck

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Thanks for all the Feedback!

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