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Give and get support around quitting


The Leper Syndrome

When you smoke you feel like the last smoker on the planet or at least one of the last of a (both literally and figuratively) dying breed. But when you quit it seems like every driver on the road has a cigarette in their hand. That is more of that mind-trickery addiction plays on you. Recognize it for what it is. Feel sorry for those people. They are junkies. They smell bad. You are sooo much better off. Imagine what it will be like for them when they decide to stop. Remember what day one and two and three were like. People were and ARE here for you.

Pay it forward and be here for the next guy. Lepers unite

22 Respuestas

kindofodd‌ I remember thinking it would never happen for me but it did and I have never regretted quitting, not even for a moment.




Thanks for YOUR great REMINDER - I am to have EMPATHY for MYSELF first and then for others -  the gift that keeps on giving -  in remembering to pray for MYSELF first and then for those -  actively addicted to NICOTINE and remembering -  BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I - I am emotionally and mentally IMMATURE TODAY due to MY deep SOUL issues inside of ME - FEELINGS that are leftover from a visit to MY mother's house - AKA MY CHILDHOOD- I WOULD SUCK ON DEATH STICKS BY THE CARTON OF THE CRAP SHE DID TO ME- just for TODAY YOU saved MY mind in remembering just for TODAY  - I am - ONLY ONE PUFF away from SUCKING on DEATH to get some kinda relief - thank YOU so much for HELPING - I MUST REMEMBER!!!!!!!  I AM A NON SMOKER TODAY!!!!!! - May God bless YOU - for saving MY MIND TODAY in MY Lord Jesus name amen - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you- it is good to know FACTS -  not feelings about ME- feelings are fickle - feelings come and go - feelings are just THAT - feelings - I am responsible for MY feelings and NOT LETTING them run MY NON SMOKER LIFE TODAY - HOORAY FOR JESUS!  PLEASE I am talking about ME - not anyone else - thank YOU for teaching ME   - I am not ALONE - I have YOU and TOGETHER - WE will - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER in MY Lord Jesus name amen - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - gentle hug


You are so right indingrl‌ the word is EMPATHY.  Amen Thank you for speaking what I was thinking. NEF never ever forget where we started.   We are no different than anyone with heroin, crack, cocaine, meth, or opioid addiction.  Our drug is just cheaper, legal and does not cause us to lose everything but we do lose time, money and the greatest gift, our health and life.  When I smell smoke I thank God, "I don't do that anymore" and a reminder of what I was putting into my lungs.  Wishing the best for everyone's recovery.  As addicts, we are only one puff away from relapse.