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Give and get support around quitting


The Journey is just Incredible!

On my 2 month anniversary as a Non Smoker I'm feeling to good for words.  Many journeys have a beginning and an end but this journey, I think, will always be a bit of a struggle.  While I consider myself a non smoker now, as with any addiction we have to be careful; the devil can creep in at any time and when we are at a weak point he'll Strike.

I know there is an end to this path but we always have to look over our shoulders and be aware that Only one moment of weakness can throw us back to the beginning.  

My strength and will power comes from all of you, the most wonderful supportive people I've ever met and I thank each and every one of you for standing by me, encouraging me and helping me get past the hard times during my quit.  If you were all standing in from of me right now my arms would be wide opened to hug you all.

 Love you all~


6 Respuestas


YOU did the work - we just cheered!

Congratulations, Ralph - I really am proud of and happy for you!


You should be feeling so proud of yourself, Ralph!!  We can support but only you can work your quit and you are doing a phenomenal job   I'm truly happy for you!!  May you enjoy a lifetime of smoke free living  


It's your success that we get to share in.  I feel that same about the support I've received from this community.  Congrats.


~group hug~

yay for YOU Ralph... two months is awesome and the hardest part of this incredible journey.  Believe it or not, you still don't feel as good as your going to!!  It just keeps getting better, and easier and yes eyes peeled for that sneaky addiction monster, but it's easy to slay from here out.  Flick of the fingers and gone.  "Ha ha I don't do that anymore, you're joking, right?" when the siren of "Just won't hurt, you're cured" whispers in your ear.

Congrats on two months!!


"Only one moment of weakness can throw us back to the beginning." 

Oh how true this is, just one puff is all it takes and you're back to day 

" 1 "

Personally I like day WON better!  




So glad to be on this journey with you, Ralph.  Our lives are journeys and to live them smoke free is a GIFT.  I am so happy for you, remember to remain vigilant...I am not a "fan" of willpower because I don't think I have any but I AM WILLING to go through whatever I need to go through in order to be free.  Smoking made me a slave...I am done with that!  Congratulations to you for two months of freedom!
