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Give and get support around quitting


That cough

As sure as thunder follows lightning, a cough is part of a quit.

That is my experience, anyway.

I quit because of the nagging cough - and that same cough gets WORSE.

Yeah, yeah; I know about the cilia and cleaning out my sinuses.  I believe this cough is a sign of recovery as all the old gunk is getting cleared out.

Coughing in a mask is no fun.  Every cough and my glasses fog up.

Every cough and I get side-eye from somebody (rightfully) concerned about COVID.

I'm just whining.  It's gonna be that kind of day

Keep the (cough cough) quit


Day 2

Keep the Quit
11 Respuestas

Sorry you allowed that nag to buck you off, but glad you're back holding the reins.  You might want to do some reading in Relapse Prevention‌  Perhaps something in there will be useful.  We can't prepare for EVERY trigger, but if we embed the NOPE axiom in our brains it makes it harder to fail.


Congrats on your quit! 

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