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Terrible Threes

Good morning to all.  Anybody remember the term Terrible Two's for toddlers?  I remember the 3's being worse.  I am heading on 2 weeks (Day 9) for me and I'm not sure, but I do believe my mind is wondering towards the next leg of my journey because I feel "dread".  My last quit lasted 19 days (that was the third week).  Maybe my brain is reminding me that the third week is when I lost my quit due to fearful thinking.  I am fearful that this is happening again.  I am mindful that I need to be in today and not in the future, but this nasty feeling is pulling at me.  I just wanted to come to this site because I know it has been my lifeline.  I plan on getting dressed and heading out to work.  I also plan on coming to this site as much as possible.  I will pack a healthy lunch, get down on my knees and praying (Ellen's suggestion has helped), have gum with me and plenty of water.  I plan on redirecting my thoughts and remembering how much I coughed and choked when I was smoking.  I will also think of my family and how we are going to be celebrating my youngest daughter's graduation from college in the spring as well as the trip we are planning to Disney for her graduation present.  All of these wonderful things will be present in my mind to help me overcome this feeling.  But I could use a little encouragement on today's journey.  Thanks in advance.



40 Replies

I'll be entering my third week and have the exact same fears. For some reason this is always the time that I talk myself back into smoking. I think it's because I stop telling myself how well I'm doing with out smoking and start telling myself that I know I can quit if I want to. So you're not alone. I made a bunch of plans for next week to try and keep myself busy. But I will be seeing my mother who does smoke. For the last 2 weeks I've avoided people that smoke because I didn't feel strong enough to be around them, but I know I can't do that forever. My sister is also trying to quit so we are going to visit my mom together so that we can support each other. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little afraid of a relapse. But I know I can get through this and so will you! 


Have a PLAN before you go to your Mom's.  Put some Vicks under your noses to negate the smell and the bit of sting will remind you that you are not going to smoke NO MATTER WHAT.  Have an excuse ready (headache/forgot to put the roast back in the 'frig to thaw, not sure you turned off the stove/iron/curling iron) and a code word for either of you to use it if it starts to be too tough.  Better to leave early than to lose your quit(s).



desiree465, wow I could be writing this story also.  My mom is a heavy smoker.  She lives in another state and I remember the excuse that I couldn't quit before I went to visit her because it would be impossible.  I just finished my second smoke free week and know that I will be visiting my mom in the near future.  Believe me the thought about being in her home is hard especially because I will be staying with her.  I have talked to my husband about this and mentioned that I may rent a hotel room when visiting, so I can decompress and not be near the smoke.  I don't know if I'll be tempted or if I will physically be ill.  Keep moving forward, but remember to move forward one day at a time.




A hotel room, if it can be got at a reasonable price, might be worth it for a few reasons: 1) eliminate the temptation, 2) get away from what’s bound to be a not so nice smell in her house - the smoke smell, and 3) give you time to get away from your mom for a while and let your hair down. 


Yup.  my thoughts exactly.


When you are at your mother's put a dab of Vicks under your nose to at least camouflage the smell.  I would absolutely get a hotel room. Your quit is yours to protect and you have to put it first.  You are doing great...keep going.


Day 10 here, and I could have written this myself. I really thought the constant thoughts of smoking would have decreased a little by now, but ..nope. 

Trying to ind a little humour in the situation, though. I really want one, but that's fine. I can WANT one all day, but that's not going to change the fact that I don't have any...

and, the beautiful state of Alabama is under a blizzard warning        

we got an inch of snow and roads are "impassable". 

How funny! 

So i can WANT one all day long but it is not happening. How silly I look, having my little temper tantrum.  

Cheers, y'all. 



Lisa, hang in there.  Each day I thank G-d for another smoke free day.  It is hard, but you can do it.  I often look at other ex's and see there DOF.  It inspires me and I hold on the that inspiration for all it's worth.  I wrote in a post that at any time I could buy cigarettes.  There is no one to stop me, but me.  The fact that you are under a blizzard watch and you are not going out into it says a lot.  Lord only knows how many of us went out regardless of the weather to get our smokes, so keep it up.  You're doing great!



You are proving just because we think of something does not mean we have act upon it.  Keep stacking the days and this will be a NEF never ever forget where you started. 


It does get easier Lisaml‌ but it takes time...I remember being frustrated when I was at day 13 that it wasn't easier for me...I wrote it in a blog and then I went to an EX reunion and they passed out blogs we had written for us to read out loud.  By that time,  I had been quit for over a year and had gone through a horrible loss and not smoked.  I could not believe that I expected something I had been doing over and over and over again every day for 47 years to disappear in less than two weeks.  I cannot tell you how long it will take because it is different for all of us.  We do have good days and bad days...had them when we smoked too.  Congratulations on double digits..10 days is awesome, this too shall pass.  You are doing GREAT...
