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I started the patches today. I had my morning cig and I put the patch on. I like the fact that it is really helping even after only starting today but..............they make me feel really weird! A little dizzy and a little nauseous! I just wanna rip it off and say forget it. Encouragement please!!!
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12 Respuestas

Word of advice, don't sleep in it!!! it gives you really trippy dreams! What level patch are you on? Perhaps you are on too high a dose? For the nausea, make sure you are eating regularly, it always helps me...They are really helpful, so i really hope it is just a matter of getting used to them for you...have you tried talking to your doctor? Doctors, I have found, are REALLY responsive when you are trying to quit...let your doc know what is going on...tell him or her the patches are really helping with the cravings, but you are feeling dizzy/nauseous, etc, and see what he suggests...Hope I helped you out some!
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Ditto on what Samantha said; you may be on too high a dose..she's right, don't sleep with it; sometimes it can make that first morning craving a bit tough,but not as bad as goofy sleep patterns will make you - crazy! Do all you can NOT to sabotage yourself. The food thing is right on too...maybe little snacks, nuts, carrots, celery - it's not as fattening as candy bars, the crunch and oral thing is good too when UR first quitting. Not a health nut myself, - duh, smoking? - but, the crunchy stuff was good for me and I didn't freak out that I was going to gain 50 million pounds overnight. Whatever you do, don't just "forget it"...the 1st few days can be very tough no matter how you do it. Be proud of yourself for trying to get this monkey off your back and just keep swatting at it! (the monkey) - BE STRONG! You can do this!
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I am went to the Nicoderm site and they said to start on level 2, which is less than 10 cigarettes a day. I have not talked to a doc yet, but I am very sensitive to any kind of Medicine (if you will). My friend told me it was because I had smoked earlier in the day. I ended up taking it off. I was so sick I actually turned green. But the good news is I have not have a cig in 7 hours! I know that is small potatoes and I am in for an even bigger journey...and I am rambling because I am having slight forgive me! Will keep you updated on my progress and thanks for the back up!
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mmmmm...carrots...the crunch of those wonderful baby carrots are one of the best things (for me anyway) also, oranges i have found are WONDERFUL, because they are healthy, tasty, and occupy both your hands and your mouth...KEEP IT UP!!! You are doing great!
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You very possibly got sick because you smoked with the patch. You were getting too much nicotine. I have quit twice before, once cold turkey...lasted 3 days. Once with the pill, not Chantrix, it was before, lasted about a week. But...I didn't really want to quit either time then. I decided I would not even try until I was 100% ready to quit. I have been using the patches and I am doing great. I was definitely ready to quit and have not even thought about smoking. So hopefully I am done with that nasty habit.
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I think it was nicotine overdose. I had smoke a cig and put on the patch an hour later. I guess I thought I would be okay. But I have been smoke free since then...cold turkey. I am feeling a little anxious and of course I want to smoke, but I am trying to keep busy by cleaning, running and yoga. All I can do is try. I glad that your doing good and I hope it continues...good luck!
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I have never heard any doctor say you can smoke and use the patch?
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you cant. I never I smoked with the patch on....I said I smoked and put the patch on a hour later. I didn't think it would make me sick...but it did.
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Stick with it. Maybe you felt that way because you had a cigarette. tried to quit in July, 08, but it didn't go so well. I'm trying again. My last cig was on 2/25/08. So far, so good. I'm using the patch. Maybe it's mind over matter, but whatever works, right. Definitely, don't smoke with it on.
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