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Give and get support around quitting


Stupid Lies You Told Yourself?

All these recent posts about our tricky minds reminded me of a dream I had last night.  I was in line at a convenience store behind a woman who asked the clerk for a pack of her cigarettes.  The clerk said it was cheaper per pack to buy a carton, and the woman said, “No thanks, I’m trying to quit.  If I buy the carton, I’ll smoke them all”.  When I woke up, I remembered how I lied to myself that way for years.  For 30 some years I always bought cartons.  Then 12 years ago, I got “serious” about quitting again.  Told myself I would only buy one pack and quit after that.  Then I bought one more pack.  Then one more.  At 15 cigarettes a day, times 365 days in a year, divided by 20 cigarettes in a pack, times 10 years – that’s 2,740 times I told myself this is the last pack I’m buying!  What's that old saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? 


Your Head.jpg

30 Respuestas

You said, "Told myself I would only buy one pack and quit after that.  Then I bought one more pack."  Yep.  I can't even begin to guess about how many "one more pack"s I bought and smoked.  It got to the point eventually that even as I said that to myself I didn't believe it. How pathetic is that?  But at least it got me to start confronting how addicted I really was  (Not that I stopped smoking right away, though!).



0 Kudos

I did the same thing only I always bought cartons since they were "cheaper!"  I would quit when I finished the carton!  Well, I quit and threw out 3 of which I found several months after I quit!  Now you know how I was able to pay for my family to go to Europe (well a good portion of it) for almost 3 weeks.

Roller 791 DOF (and a lot richer because of it!)


My husband and I always bought two cartons of cigarettes when we did our grocery shopping.  It was sickening that we bought less groceries for our growing family because of that.  In later years when they became more expensive we would only buy them two packs at a time.  The stupid lies, it's my only vice.  We always made sure we had cigarettes in the house!

These days I have watered down and shredded them.


I am an expert at justifying smoking.  I know it's bad for me and I need to quite, but NOW isn't a good time.

As soon as that project at work, the big event with my club, the next holiday, the >insert any activity that causes even minor inconvenience here< is finished.  Since I was always right around the corner from quitting, I could both look down my nose at smokers while still smoking.  That's not just stupid, it's insufferable!!!

More humble now


Keep the Quit

OMG this is too funny, or maybe sad.  I was the same way.  Feeling all superior because I was about to quit.  Really.  Any day now.  Well, within a couple weeks anyway.  No kidding, I mean it this time. 


Yes, sounds just like me but I really wasnt ready. I truly believe just like any addict that you have to really want to quit. You have to be sick of the smokers cough  smelling like smoke, running around looking for your cigs and or lighter before you can leave anywhere etc....and yes it may have took me 40 years but I am SICK of smoking! I'M DONE!


Many stupid lies we addicts tell ourselves and those around us. My favorite frequent one was.. " I can quit any time I want to".. What a crock!  Not One Puff Ever.. Never Quit Quitting! O.D.A.T.  

    Peace to all,



Reminds me of the one, " I can quit anytime.  I have done it hundreds of times!"


 Hello EXers,

     As an addict I have attained a P.H.D. in stupid lies and dishonesty.. My wife of 45+ years gave me a diploma! Stopping use of an addictive drug is easy, did that for 20 + years!  A long lasting permanent quit takes a lifetime of commitment to recovery. We are never cured of addiction.. The naked truth.. Never Quit Quitting! O.D.A.T.

   Peace to all,
