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Give and get support around quitting


Struggling to quit

I'm failing miserably in my quest to quit. I have cut down but I need to stop and stop now. I'll try to busy myself thereby taking longer to light up, yet and still I light up. I have knee replacement surgery Monday so it's very important that I end this madness now. I don't smoke a whole cigarette at one time but relight it a couple of times. I cannot stand cigarettes. Yet I succumb to the crave. I need help

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49 Respuestas

My mistake.

I forgot and used an emoji to represent my thanks and appreciation. It is

great to have this community of support.

Community Manager
Community Manager

QuitMeNow wrote:

My mistake.

I forgot and used an emoji to represent my thanks and appreciation. It is

great to have this community of support.

Got it.  Yes unfortunately emojis aren't supported yet in reply by email. 

EX Community  Manager

PS quick tip: if you add 5 underscores after what you type in the email. it will ensure you don't errantly get a signature included in your reply by email.  Reply by email tip  

EX Community Admin Team

You are absolutely right that cutting back just keeps you in a constant state of withdrawal, in fact the only time that people do not feel in a constant state of withdrawal when they are smoking is.... when they are smoking.  they ruined my life for that reason.  If travelling.... waiting for a bus... do I have time for a cigarette, if flying when can I have my last cigarette.... when and where can I have my first cigarette after landing.  where the train stops and I can get out and smoke a cigarette.  and on it goes.  I am so grateful that I no longer smoke.  But this time last year I did, and I was really struggling to quit.


      Are you asking how to get over your nicotine/smoking dependency within the next four days so that when you are in the hospital for knee surgery and come out of it, you will not be craving a cigarette because you've quit? Or are you suppose to be off the cigarettes before surgery per order of doctor? 

     Stop and breath. Frustration makes quitting harder. You want to quit and you can. Stick with Ex. Keep reading, learning. Ex is here 365 and will be a place to visit while you are in the hospital and then out. Yes you can, one day at a time.


Actually it's both. It is highly suggested that I quit at least a week

prior(well that didn't happen) but it's not a deal breaker.

I know I'll be fine for a while when I get home because I won't have them

and will be unable to go get them myself. I'm hoping that when I do go out

for physical therapy in two weeks the craving will be gone.

Right now I'm eating an apple and folding long overdue laundry to keep me


On Thu, Jan 31, 2019, 2:27 PM maryfreecig <


This quit thing is a journey, not an event.  Spend your time between now and your surgery reading, preparing and planning.  Get your list of distraction activities - and buy a crossword puzzle book, or an adult coloring book, or needlework if you do that.    You won't be able to exercise for a bit - so you will need to get all of these supplies in before your surgery.  You should also get some sugarfree gum or mints, a water bottle from which to sip - find some computer games to do. 

This is going to take some effort on your part in the beginning, but it gets easier as time passes.

You WILL heal so much better and faster if you don't smoke!



Thank you

On Thu, Jan 31, 2019, 2:47 PM Youngatheart.7.4.12 <


Understood. Ex is here for you as you find your way.


It’s time to get serious.  Have you read and did your own quit plan.? Prepare for every possible trigger/crave.  Also, throw all smoking paraphernalia.  You have surgery Monday, quit now.  You can do three days ... if you can do three days you can do everything possible and if nothing when you have a crave, jump in the shower, you won’t smoke in a will be better for surgery and healing.  ~ Colleen aka sweetp 


Thank you. I so much need this encouragement. I will do this I know I will.