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Give and get support around quitting


Starting to slip...

I was able to do a good solid week without smoking. Then eventually it caught up to me one day. I could not get anything done, all I had on my mind was smoking. For the past week I suffered from depression because I slipt and felt extremly angry at myself for doing so.


I have a bad feeling it will be happening again, and I can't do anything..

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3 Respuestas

That would properly defined as an attitude of failure! Some failure in life is unavoidable but to give up trying is a sin! Your blog does not define your weakness and you need to find it so the next quit is better. NRT's or no, drugs Chantix or no, cold turkey and do you have medical support? How was your plan to separate from the smokes? Honey in your picture you look so damn young to be playing russian roulette with your life and even if you do not know it you are worth one more good sucessful quit! I know you are!

I hope to hear your quit blog in the future! Anyway, Go With GOD!

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You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All you have to do is believe. Listen to me, here I am deciding if I want to do it or not myself. I've been smoking for 31 of my 47 years. I now have lung disease. I've been where you are. My kids look your age and they both smoke. We all talk about quitting, but that's all it is. The ONLY way to do this is "JUST DO IT", I guess. I really wish you the best of luck.

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I have the same problem. I call it my 7 Day Wall. I still haven't broken through it yet, but I will. I knock myslef flat on my butt when I hit my wall, but  I pick myself up and keep trying to break it down. Don't think of it as a failure and try not to get so mad at yourself. Just do the best that you can and keep picking yourself up. Instead of thinking about getting to a month without cigs, try to get to day 8 and then take it from there. I'll be right there with you. And hey! You went a whole week with out a smoke! That's awesome!

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