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Give and get support around quitting


Sorry for my sudden absence

Well I don't know if that many people noticed my sudden lack of posts and blogs. I know a couple did and I thank you very much for your concern. I have been swamped with work, and school. I have been stressed to the max, and was drained of all energy. When I had free time I did not feel like coming here to write. I didn't feel like talking to my girlfriend. I just wanted to sit and watch T.V. I did not want to do anything the past three days.

This morning I feel much better. I was able to sleep in till 10-10:30. I think my batteries had run empty, and was making me depressed. Now I feel much more alive, awake, and happy. I feel positive and like my old self when I came to this site first.

I had a dream last night I was smoking a cigarette. I had half the cig in my dream then threw it away, and then felt so happy. I don't know if the dream meant something, I think the cigarette was the stress and depression, and I was feeding off it for the past couple of days. When I threw away the cig I threw away the problems.

Anyways today is beautiful, and I am thankful I made it past the couple of weeks I am back, and will not go away again for long periods, well that's a lie, but I will not be as upset again. I will make one month, and six months, and a year. I will not fall I cannot fall, this is my last chance.
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4 Respuestas

Glad to hear you got caught up on some much needed rest, it sounds like. You can do this!!!!
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Glad you got some much needed sleep! I to feel like doing NOTHING but watching tv and not talking to anyone! Keep up the tremendous job you're doing, remember to live, laugh and love....and don't forget to sleep inbetween times! LOL Have a Great Day Sweety!

Luv ya
XOXO =0)
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I can definitely relate - my situation is a little different in that I can barely do anything but come out here and post right now. I don't feel like working (and I'm usually highly productive), my house is a mess (and for once, I really don't care), my husband has been cooking all week 'cause I don't feel like it.......I felt so euphoric the first couple of weeks of my quit. Right now, I feel drained and my head feels foggy.

I am thrilled that I have maintained my quit, and I have no intentions whatsoever of losing it - I just don't like the lack of motivation I have felt all week. I'm sure it's temporary - it better be or boss and family will both fire me!! 🙂

It's great to hear from you! You are doing this and doing it well!!
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Hey Andrew! I KNOW that feeling well. I think we have to be kind to ourselves and give ourselves permission to just do nothing every now and then. It recharges the batteries. That's NOT to say we should allow ourselves to wallow long in depression. I think you know the difference. 🙂

Way to go on the quit......keep doing what you're doing and you'll never have to smoke again. What freedom!!!
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