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Give and get support around quitting


Some Journeys End

My special friends.  There's so much going on in my life as you know (Mom), and understanding this new format finds me confused and frustrated.  My focus is on my dear mom and my business which has been an up hill journey during the pandemic.  Balancing family/work is a daily task and my brain can focus just so much.  I'm not a person who gives up when faced with change but this time I find myself unable to go with the change in front of me.  I see many of you forged ahead with the new Ex but my concentration is Off.  

Until life returns to whatever Normal is I decided to take a break from here and direct my thoughts where they need to be.  Just getting to this page took me 15 minutes to find where to post a note.  You have all been my Rock and you've forever changed my life as I head to my 2 year quit.  I'll try to check in from time to time when I grab some 'Me' time but always know that you are all dear to me and without you I would not be where I'm at in my quit.  Hopefully, when the time is right, I'll focus on getting around here and understand it a bit more.

I hope to keep in touch via email ( with you.  Thank you for your support and love.


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