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So when does it get easier

So in 1/2 hour I’ll be vape free for 7 days.  I quit cigs around 2 years ago but now I’m trying to quit vaping & as i said, almost at day 7.  If nicotine is out of my system, why does it feel like it’s getting harder?  Yesterday I was soooo bitchy & nothing I did seemed to help.  I walked, I drank water, I played with my dog & was still extremely bitchy by the time I finally went to bed.  This morning I woke & have a full list of things to do but I can’t motivate myself to get up out of this chair & actually do any of them.  All I want to do is fire up my vape pen & have at it.  I mentally picture myself vaping & even knowing that those first few hits will hurt my throat, I still want to do it.  What the hell is wrong with me!!!  I’ve even thought about putting on a patch or chewing a piece of nicotine gum but really don’t want to go back to square one now that I’ve got 7 days under my belt.   I know a lot of you will reply that it DOES get easier but when the hell will that be!!

On a separate note, if anyone out there does vape as a way of doing NRT please think twice about it.  I think this is harder to stop than cigs cause you can vape anywhere...which i did.  I’m sure I was getting much more nicotine than when i was smoking cigs cause I vaped all day.  What the hell, there’s no smell so i could do it in my car, my house, wherever.  I know NRT is the way to go for some people but vaping seriously reinforces that hand to mouth thing as well as the hit to the throat & of course the nicotine.  

Ok I guess I’m done with my rant.  My list of chores isn’t going to wait & they need to get done with or without my vaping while doing them.  I’ll do my best to stay on track but damn, I wish it would at least START to get easier.

thanks everyone for listing to my pity party

23 Replies

stop mentally seeing yourself vaping.  The thought is mother to the action. i know i tortured myself with thought s of smoking until I just had to stop doing it.  change the subject, real fast.

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Anyone can quit smoking with a desire to, and without a lot of discomfort. I am not special. nor is my husband , nor daughter. Cravings are generally for most of us mere thoughts. Whether you act on them, or dismiss them is key. I came to help people to believe and save them from unnecessary anguish not to add to it or gloat. 

Some cravings or side effects of quitting smoking are construed as cravings. Nicotine diminished the affects of caffeine, so cut caffeine accordingly. Drink water to help detoxify the body of nicotine, and eat a breakfast which many of us considered to be cigarettes with coffee.  Keeping good  blood sugar levels , exercise and other healthy habits also help in our quest to quit smoking with ease. Wanting to quit, not forced to  or having to also have bearing. Find the reason to quit, and believe in them and yourself. Embrace becoming a non-smoker without fear and regret. Why would you crave something you no longer want and that is so vile and destructive? Change your mind. Nicotine and years of habit have have you brainwashed. Learn and change. You can do it. I did. 


I remember fairly early in my quit wondering if I would ever stop thinking about smoking or rather NOT smoking.  My husband is a recovering alcoholic and has been sober for over 34 years, he has also been smoke free for 29 years.  I asked him how I was supposed to get through that time.  I knew I would not smoke again, I quit when I was so sick that I did not really know if I was going to husband told me to get down on my knees and to pray for God to remove the mental obsession.  He said I might have to do it more than once but that it WOULD work, he also said I would have to get on my knees for it to work.  I will admit to being skeptical but I did it, I had to do it more than once but the mental obsession was lifted.  I was on this site every morning and every evening and I took advice from everyone who offered it.  I think you are doing great, I am really happy that you are here and that you are making it very clear that vaping feeds the addiction rather than treating it.



In a nutshell, it gets easier when you WANT to be a non-smoker and accept this journey and changes it brings. They are positive. changes, and you are giving up nothing.  If you do not welcome them, you are not ready and need to reaffirm your commitment and belief in yourself.Anyone can quit smoking with the right mindset.