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So today is my quit day and I was nicking so bad trying to fight the urge so I went and got me so non-menthol cigarettes is that bad?

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Is non-menthol good or bad

31 Replies

notch9‌  Your simple one-sentence answer says it all.


Switching from Non-menthol to a regular cigarette. Are you kidding me ,as a once hard core menthol smoker nothing tasted worse than a regular cigarette. And I played that game a couple of times with myself. In no way am I being mean here. It brought back memories to me of my addictive behavior. 


I found that menthol cigarettes just gave me a worst case of bronchitis....

But I guess I don’t understand why you bought cigarettes at all. I thought you wanted to quit? I think you just need an attitude adjustment.  Rather than thinking of your quit as scary, think of it as an exciting adventure, cause it really is. You need to write down all the reasons you want to quit. I’m sure it’s not a decision you’ve made lightly and then you need to trust yourself.

The unknown can be scary and chances are you’ve been smoking your entire adult life. Be honest with yourself though in recognizing the fact that there really are no positives in smoking.  I smoked for 37 years and have been quit for over 5 months now and do not regret it for one second. Come to find out cigarettes do not have all the magic powers I thought they did. Somehow I’ve been able to deal with life’s challenges just as well without them. Who would have thought....

I truly believe that that a successful quit is all about your shear determination, attitude and stubbornness! I hate to fail. I will not let myself down. There are truly so few things we have control over in our life and whether we smoke or not is one of them. Stay out of your head and stop letting cigarettes have so much power over you. It is just a fricken cigarette!

You truly have the ability to do this and be amazing! We are here for you!!!!!



There is been a lot said before me; please go and read the recommended documentation, it will help clarify your relationship to smoking.  It took me many years to quit for good; I always found an excuse not to quit.  But eventually I started seeing clearly in what the addiction was doing to me, came here, followed the guidance for our peers who've seen many quits before and have so much wisdom to share, and here I am 1178 DOF (days of freedom, and that is a little over 3 years).  This group of people have your interest at heart, we are not getting any kick backs from being here, just the satisfaction of helping another human being get their freedom.


Hello 12711MyHearts and Welcome to Ex’s

All Cigarettes are bad for you menthol and non ~ menthol.  The idea about quitting is finding something else to do other than smoke.  (Ie., clean, do a puzzle, watch a movie, jumping jacks, take a shower, etc.,) Smoking is not an option.

If you haven’t already, read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX to gain knowledge and preparation for quitting.  Stay close to the support site to get help and give others support...WE are all in this journey together.  YOU can do this...~ 
Colleen 181 DOF 

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I really hope you don't feel like we all piled on you, we want you to be successful and we are just trying to help you in any way that we can.  I think your question was a sincere one but I really think that you need more of an understanding of this addiction and how powerful it is.  Take your power back!



The answer is not "Yes" or "No"... it is HUH??? I think you already know and you are hoping someone will say it's Ok. Sorry, I cannot do that.

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Please take the advice of YoungAtHeart posted and get educated about this addiction. These tools helped me - a 40-year plus smoker - to quit for good! 

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As Dale says. "If you quit smoking and you smoke, you are doing it wrong."

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How are you doing 12711MyHearts?

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