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Give and get support around quitting


So Very Sad

I had been smoke free for 4 weeks. Everything was going great and I felt I had finally beat this addiction. I don't know what happened. I had a lot of home improvement projects going on this weekend and was so over whelmed I went to the hardware store and they sell cigarettes there and without thinking I bought a pack. The next day I went back for another. I do not want to do this. I want to quit. Please can someone give me so advice and insight? I want to quit so bad. Where did this come form? What is the best thing to do now? I'm deseperate!

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7 Replies

Hi Debbie, Nancy has given you good advice. Don't beat yourself up as today is a new day and you can start again. They say guilt is a wasted emotion because there is nothing you can do about the past - you can only go forward. So quit feeling guilty and look to a new beginning. You might want to pick up Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. I read it and it really turned me off to the toxic sticks and you can smoke while you're reading he book it if you're not 100% ready to go for another commitment to quit. By the end of his book, you are so disgusted by smoking. Remember, just reach out and we're all here for you. You can do this!! Laura
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Play Wink

We've all had those days and we forgive ourselves and move on. Not smoking is way better than smoking and you have to keep reminding yourself that. You CAN do this!!
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We have all "fallen off the wagon" at some point. I went 5 years and went back, last time 6 weeks and then my husband got pneumonia and was in and out of the hospital for 4 months. I started up again!!! For me stress is my worst trigger. When I get stressed I want a cigarette!!! So don't feel bad, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again!
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Hi, Moochie..I am glad, first of all, to see you posted on several sites !!! Read the help people are giving you...and use it !!! I know you had slipped before...and I was counting aong with you...4 weeks, and you were doing good. Put it in the past, like everyone is telling you...and go forward. How BADLY do you want to quit ?? It has to be a commitment; deep down in the core of your very being !!!

This addiction is cruel, sneaky, and can NEVER let your guard down......EVER !!! Until your sub-conscious grabs hold of the idea that you DON'T smoke...and no matter what excuses....SMOKING IS NOT AN need to watch yourself !!! I quit drinking 16 years ago...I am a recovering alcoholic. NOT a "recovered" alcoholic !! I know I must be excuses....drinking is NOT an option !!! All it takes is ONE; and I've thrown it all away...and I do NOT want to start over. The same with smoking....I have 3 weeks today....I know I will always be a "former" smoker....but I have to be alert.

You can do know we are all here to help you. Brush yourself off, and start again - when you're ready.

You've learned another valuable lesson - and the day will come when you'll go into that hardware store, and see those cigarettes, and smile...and tell yoursel; "NOPE - I DON'T SMOKE"

Take care, sweetie !!!
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Hi Debbie, Don't give up, we all fall down sometimes. I finally had to quit by taking Welbutrin. It has worked for me so far. Today is day 35 for me. The best part is that I have only gained 3 lbs. The last time I quit, I gained 25 lbs and went back to smoking. Even with the Welbutrin it is hard and a day to day kind of thing. I've heard that it's easier to give up heroin than it is smoking. I can believe it. I've smoked for 47 yrs., I've never been a drug addict but I know this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life so far. It would give me great pleasure to sit down and smoke a cigarette right now, I have to get my head around not doing it. It gets a little bit easier to talk myself out of it every day but it sure doesn't go away. Hang in there, you can do it..................
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Where are you Moochie? Still hanging in? I don't see you posting on this topic....hope your still with us! Reenie
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"Hey moochie" I understand your feelings but don't have any words of advice; Sometimes I think all we can do is go day by day, (In my case hour by hour) I too have "fallen off the wagon " and now need to start over; not too sure I have the energy though. Sorry I'm no help, but I'm cheerin' you on.
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