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Give and get support around quitting



Laying in bed this morning very much a snooze button player. How long can I push this self care button until it becomes a stressor? Could it go hand in hand with being "one of those' types of people on this journey? Perhaps. Not beating myself up publicly really. Do plenty of that internally on this journey. Just asking for conversation. Patting myself on the back for not buying a pack of smokes last night when I ran out. Today will be a good day.

What type of riser are you?  

55 Replies

Reluctant riser.  That's kinda catchy. Lol  Thanks Ellen.


elvanheart.png~ Suzy 


I love to sleep in....9, or 10, sometimes 11:00. Most times my cat Ruby wakes me up at 6:00 a.m. tho, sometimes even at 3:00 a.m. then I get up, and she goes back to bed, lol.  Good job on not buying smokes!!


Wow! Great you can do that. Hmmm. Cats can be funny creatures, too (just like dogs). Thanks Christine!

I just read recently how putting that snooze button causes stress to the body but I am a snoozer. I know that that extra whatever minutes isn’t going to do a darn thing for me but I just can’t get the mind snd body to get up. I’m one of those that wakes up slowly. I like sort of lying there until I acclimate to fully being awake. I’ll just get up, though, if I have to. 


I am not only a fan of the snooze is a religion with me! I HATE to get up with that first ring......I snooze many mornings more than once....I am NOT a morning person!

I was smiling and clapping reading those who say "since they retired they sleep in". It is one of my dreams to be able to do this when I retire. I do not intend to EVER set an alarm again. I am sure that on sunny summer mornings, I will still get up fairly early and out to the deck to have my coffee and read and enjoy the beautiful day. BUT I sure won't be setting an alarm to do so and......if I don't want to ........then I will be able to say NOPE(in another sense of the word!) not getting up!!! ETERNAL WEEKEND!

Until then, I am sure I will go on snoozing every morning.

Congrats on not buying cigarettes and sticking to your quit!!!!!



Have you tried NOT setting the alarm to see what time you would actually awaken?  If, like me, you are getting up pretty much the same time every day, you may not actually NEED that alarm.  How do I know?  I was having a conversation with my VP boss (who ADORED me, btw!) about 5 years before I retired and told her I didn't mind working, but how MUCH I hated the alarm.  Her response?  "Stop setting it! I don't care if you oversleep a day or two - if it bothers you that much, see how it goes. " SO - I did!  And what a difference it made.  I had  always gotten to work two hours before the "official" day, anyway,  so I could have some quiet time to get stuff done, but I don't think my wake up time ever varied by more than 10 minutes - and I was never, ever late - and never had to listen to that d@mn alarm again!

Try it - you might like it!


YoungAtHeart‌  Sorry for the late response.......EX banished me to the Europe for awhile. Yes, as I guess we all know, anyone in the EU cannot be on EX. EX was apparently "reading" my computer as being registered in the EU....but Mark got it fixed. Such a shame because I never even got to see Paris.

ANYWAY-----as soon as I don't have any really important morning appointments I am going to try out your theory and see how it works........interesting.



I will be interested to hear how it goes when you are able to try it.  Give it a few days, though, because I know I didn't sleep well the first couple of days I tried it. I was awake worrying about not waking up in time!!!

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Yes---I do that too even when I have the alarm set. If I have a really important meeting or an earlier than usual meeting I'm wakeful all night!!

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