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Smoking in your dreams

The past couple of days I been dreaming of smoking. I usually feel bad in the dream when I am doing it. When I wake up I have to remind myself that it was only a dream. Is dreaming of smoking normal ? Anyone else have that experience ?
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12 Replies

Very normal!!

The dreams usually tend to fade over time. At least the cigs we smoke in our dreams can't harm us lol
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True ! lol I should just be happy it is happening in my dreams and not in real life.
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I've had dreams of being on some sort of "mission" to find cigarettes LMAO... it is bizarre. I suppose our brains have to work through the addiction even while we sleep. If anything it is a good reminder of how powerful of an addiction nicotine really is... if we even have to sort it out in our sleep.
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This is perfectly normal. If you dream about smoking and you are enjoying it, then you need to reinforce your quit! 🙂

I had one just a few nights ago and I was so pissed off that I smoked that I smoked some more (in my dream) and was even more pissed off. When I woke up I was so relieved.

Please click this video from for more information:

Dreams of smoking


50 days nicotine free
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The two hours I slept the night before I quit I smoked in my dream. Actually, I chain-smoked.
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Totally normal. Except it's a nightmare, not a dream! 🙂
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Yup, I have smoking dreams too, still - after over two years. In my case most of the time in the dream I don't feel too bad about it. Just something I did but know I can go back and quit again. Which is not the case in real life.

As you can see for the many replies, dreaming about smoking is totally normal.
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My former neighbor said that after five years of being without cigarettes, she would still dream about having one..Good luck and may they remain only in your dreaming...
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Yes!! Are you using the patch? My first night of the nicotene patch i had a series of short dreams and in every one I was smoking a cigarette. Walking through the mall, riding a motorcycle, teaching a class, it didn't matter. I didn't have the guilt in the dreams, but it makes it a bit harder because you have a memory of smoking after your quit date.
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