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Smoking during work breaks

I smoke during my breaks at work and in the car. How can I keep my mind off smoking during these times?

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9 Replies

During your breaks, go where the smokers aren't!  Maybe take a quick walk around the block, the building, or your floor.  Or come to the site on your phone and do some reading.  Or play a computer game.  Or count the items of clothing that are blue in your office.  Be sure to always have a cold bottle of water with you from which to sip.

You should clean out the inside of your car (especially the windows and the dash) to eliminate as much smoke dirt as you can. Find new routes to and from work so the scenery is different.  Count the red/blue/white cars you see, the lights you hit or miss, or the number of trucks.  Take some tunes along and sing aloud with them.  Get a book on tape to which to listen.  Make up stories about the folks in the cars in your vicinity.  Are they related or are they carpooling?  If they are related, how?  Are they going someplace fun?  If out to eat, where would you recommend they go?  Keep that cold bottle of water with you, and maybe some Fireballs, flavored toothpicks or straws with which to fiddle or puff from.

Good questions - good thinking about preparation!

Fireballs! Great idea!

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Nancy YoungAtHeart above me ... gave you some great information...You got this....~ Colleen 1 Year Free 

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If your able, walking is the best thing you can do.  It really helps to clear your head and refocus.   Keep moving forward.


I smoke for every break also, but I find now that chewing gum works. 


Chew the heck out of that gum, @phillip1sampson!!  😁

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You still want to take your breaks, but maybe find a place the smokers aren't and call a friend, play a phone game, or take a short, brisk walk.  Breaks are important!

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