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Smoking Makes You Ugly

Hi, There doesnt seem to be many recent posts,Iam on day 4 and I hate the way I look and I dont want to go out like that my parents both passed away from lung cancer. It is no way to go believe me so helpless...well I am just getting over pnemonia and had no choice so here I am no patch, gum, pills nothing but a will 2 live better.....Thanks Lisa
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120 Replies

Hello my pretties! At first I thought this group sounded shallow and full of itself, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this really is a huge motivator for me in quitting smoking! It's in those awful moments of stress or anger or sadness (my worst triggers) that the only thing keeping me from lighting up is what other people think! Like others on here, I am in a serious relationship with a non-smoking man. He used to smoke (he quit years ago), so at least he understands, but at the same time he is incredibly judgemental of smokers and I know there is a certain amount of respect I don't get because I smoke (mentally, I mean. He doesn't treat me badly or anything). I care about how he sees me, and sometimes that's the only thing keeping me from smoking. I also think that actual intelligent people wouldn't smoke because, obviously, it kills you. I like to think of myself as an intelligent person, so when I am not smoking, I am feeling good about myself and others are seeing a person walk down the street who values her life. In the end, I become less attractive in all ways when I smoke. And that sucks.
  Anyway, I joined your group, so hi! I'm on day one (again). I quit last July and then started up again in late November (due to several tragic and awful things that happened in my life at once).
  I'm rambling the 'day one of not smoking' ramble to keep from a) thinking, b) feeling, c) smoking, d) crying uncontrollably.
  Nice to meet you all.
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hello beauties..
  i am new here.. smoke free for about 42 hours.. and i have to agree that smoking only adds negative points to your attractive scale.. i'm a 23 yr old female and noticed most men find it repulsive when girls smoke [unless they are smokers themselves], but at the same time don't understand how hard it is to kick the habit either. i'm not quitting for anyone but myself, and if my quitting this terrible habit will make me cuter.. than so be it!
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I am on my 7th day. Even though I realize quitting smoking is for my health, I want it to have other benefits like better skin and being able to excerise easier. How long after quitting will I be able to see any difference in my skin? I need some type of immediate gradification!!
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I love this! What a great way to add some humor into life! I love laughing at myself!
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There's nobody who wantes to lose their looks any sooner than what they have to. This is a BIG motivator for me. I hope I can become an EX... So many comments on here are soooo true. I cant wait to be able to smell my perfume , and have no stains on my teeth and be able to gain my sense of taste again. Any EX smokers notice a difference in the way your house smells? There was a lady come to my house yesterday and she quit years back and she said she cant stay in my house for long because all she can smell is the smoke... that was the EXACT moment when I decided I was quitting. That was really embarassing to hear.
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I'm looking at those guys and I remember when I looked like that, I desperately want to quit smoking and look like that again. I have tried working out but I have know wind. HELP!
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Hi Beautiful people! This is my first post here. I think that the statement is true about people who smoke being less attractive. I have said before that if I had to watch myself in the mirror every time I smoke a cigarette, I would not smoke as much. I look HORRIBLE smoking!!!! I also know that smoking ages the skin terribly and would tell everyone who is in their 20's "QUIT NOW!" You will look so much better when you are in your 40's if you quit smoking now! I fear gaining weight when quitting, and that fear has not gone away, but, I have to remind myself that I work out regularly, and as long as I continue that I should be ok. And I will smell better, and not stain my teeth! I know that there are all sorts of health reason to quit smoking, but, lets face it, we live in a society that judges people on looks, and smoking affects one's looks and not in a positive way. So, whether people think that this is a shallow reason to quit smoking does not matter. Whatever the reason, JUST QUIT!! That, in the end, is the important thing! Good luck to everyone and stay beautiful!
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This is a great group. Smoking being unattractive is one of the main reasons I quit. I realized how disgusting it is when I realized how much I was coughing. I know how bad smoking is for my health but that doesn't seem to bother me as much. Maybe it hasn't completely hit me how bad it is. Anyway, I don't want to be thought of as shallow but it is important to me to look attractive. Not attractive like "OMG I am so HOTT," but more like I don't want people to think my IQ has dropped because they see me smoking. I just don't want to look ignorant. Smoking is gross. Wish me luck. Today was my first day and it's almost over!
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ha. i love this group. my boyfriend thinks its SO unattractivee when i smoke and i have to brush my teeth like 4 times before he'll let me kiss him. my problem with smoking is though, i want to lose weight (not that im over weight). just a teenage girl worrying about getting fat ya kno. so whenever i eat anything i HAVE to smoke. or instead of eating something fattening, i'll smoke. i dont really know what to do about it. its my worst trigger ever. advice?
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Jeanie, how much did you smoke each day? I've been smoking alot for the past couple of months due to incredible stress, but I'm so tired it - how it's making me feel, how my skin looks - I'm just so ready to be free of this disgusting habit.
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