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Smoking Makes You Ugly

Hi, There doesnt seem to be many recent posts,Iam on day 4 and I hate the way I look and I dont want to go out like that my parents both passed away from lung cancer. It is no way to go believe me so helpless...well I am just getting over pnemonia and had no choice so here I am no patch, gum, pills nothing but a will 2 live better.....Thanks Lisa
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I really don't eat big meals as it is. It's when I get urges, I just feel like running to the pantry and stuffing whatever I can get my hands on in my face!! I want to learn how to control it now before it becomes the next problem. Guess I can use google to help with some ideas...
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I refuse to let cigarettes take away my hotness... LOL!!!
  Seriously though, I am most concerned with gaining weight. Any suggestions?
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Hi, I've heard that drinking a glass of wter before the meal helps curb the food we eat. I think the oral fixation is serious can be satisfied with sugarless gum. Just smaller meals.
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Hello quitters! I have been smoking since I was 13. I turned 34 on New Years Eve and everyone thought I was between 26 and 28. I can not look old prematurely. I know at my age I won't look like I'm in my 20's for much longer, but at least I can try to grow old gracefully. I wanted to try and quit this summer, but all the "I can't believe you are 34!" has moved up my quit date. I could be a hag by summer. I know I'm going to get fat doing this, but I think getting rid of cigarettes will be harder than taking off the weight.

  I have been wanting to quit for a couple years now since I married an avid smoking hater. The world is becoming a smoke free place too. I just want to go about my life not worrying about when I can smoke and who can smell the smoke on me. When I first met my husband he didn't want me to meet his family because I smoke and they HATE smokers. Right now, I think I HATE my husband. He has never actually pressured me to quit smoking, but living with him over the past two years is constant stress. He almost never complains, but I know he hates it. I limited my smoking to literally hanging out my bedroom window. I wanted to smoke in the garage, but he wanted that as his playroom. It was hard to give up smoking while sitting at the computer or when having friends over drinking, but if I could give up my favorite smokey times why can't I give it up all together? I've made this gut retching decision all on my own, but my rebellious nature makes me want to smoke just to irritate the morally uptight.

  My father died three years ago of cancer at 68, my sister of breast cancer at 45 last December . My beloved uncle of an aneurysm at 48, my wonderful cousin of cancer at 38. None of these deaths were smoking related. The only people in my family who seem to hold on are the SMOKERS! I'm am worried that through some weird karma that if I give up cigarettes I too will die from some horrible disease. I know that sounds crazy, but I'm still worried.

  Well I have been smoke free for 13 yours now. I am managing my cravings for today with nicotine gum, and by smelling my hair, which now smells like pretty shampoo and not smoke. I am going through and washing all my clothes (this will take some time) and putting nice scented sachets in all my drawers. I am going to try and continue coping by sitting around in make up and decent looking clothes at all times. Yesterday I even went out and bought new lounging around clothes so I never look like a slouch. I might venture out this evening in the snow to buy this pink silky bathrobe I saw that I really wanted. I couldn't let that get smokey and ruin it could I? I'm hoping all this will help me not want to light up a wrinkle inducing, smelly tube of carbon monoxide. I never realized I was this vain. It's quite depressing.

  I'm sorry if I've been rambling on. I'm having some sort of nervous smoking breakdown right now, but so far today I have managed to not go crazy. Now I just need to get over the urge to starve myself so I don't get fat. I have a hunger headache already. I'm angry. I don't want healthy snacks. I want a chocolate malt and fries. I feel like crying.

  Ok, well nice to meet you all! I hope you are feeling better than I am right now. Willpower has to win. It just has to.
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how do you permantly get the smell out of your house no matter how much i clean i can still smell it a little ..
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Carolyn, when I first moved into my house I smoked all over. Then when I got married and my husband moved in I stopped smoking directly in the house. I steam cleaned the carpet and furniture, washed everything I could (curtains, pillows, ect) used febreeze daily, opened the windows and just let it air out the best I could. You may want to try painting too. I only quit less than 48 hours ago, but I have been trying to remove the smoke smell from my house for two years. It took a while. According to all the non smokers I know, my house doesn't smell like smoke. Good luck!
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Oh Mary,
  WOW! I totally feel your pain. I'm 27 and apparently the porn industry stops at 24. Not that I was a seriously considering it but at my age the smoke lines aren't helping during this economic crisis. Needless to say I'm not a young bud these days.
  Regardless, it is the best decision you can make. QUIT! Its almost harder since you are married. I am single and I think I won't ever get married as long as I smoke. Its a nasty disgusting habit. So I figure if I quit I have a better chance????

  Anyway, good luck! I ramble as well.
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hey guys, nice to see that i'm not the only "vain" one out there, lol. but hey--you're only young stay young!
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i see that lots of people have concerns about gaining weight after quitting. my suggestions is to go vegan, even if it's only temporary. eat lots of whole grains (like bulgar wheat) so you are sure to still get protein and iron!
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Hello beautiful people! I haven't quit smoking yet but I will soon and my cuteness will continue and no longer be jeopardized by cigarettes. Plus, I know that if I keep my work outs going and stay away from binge eating I won't gain any weight and might even lose some!
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