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Smoking Makes You Ugly

Hi, There doesnt seem to be many recent posts,Iam on day 4 and I hate the way I look and I dont want to go out like that my parents both passed away from lung cancer. It is no way to go believe me so helpless...well I am just getting over pnemonia and had no choice so here I am no patch, gum, pills nothing but a will 2 live better.....Thanks Lisa
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120 Respuestas

I really want to quit and stop looking like a trashy women because I smoke. Most all my friends do not smoke and I fell like people think less of me because of the smoking. Plus, I am single and would like to find a new beau....most men hate smokers
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hello everyone.... my name is lamar and as of july 17th i've been smoke free. i am really happy that i have found this site and i know that there are people that are willing to help. thanks.
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Hi everyone as of July 21st I am 2 months smoke free, got really tired of seeing that stick hanging out of my mouth. I have friends that are heavy smokers and the wrinkles on their faces are getting deeper, one friend is not yet 50 and got called grandma. It is an ugly habit nothing pretty about smoking
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I feel pretty when I smoke cause it keeps me thin........but i use it as a replacement to not workout and am starting to feel kindaaa gross. I just want to feel healthy, mentally and physically and cigarettes are my best friend sometimes, I don't want to want them anymore 😞
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It's funny to hear so many women say how smoking ages you. I agree it's something the "experts" all say & I get the logic behind it, but outside of the effects it's had on my tooth color, I don't see it has having aged me so much visually as it has internally...medically. I look young for my age & I've smoked off & on (more on than off) for 30+ years. I don't have half the wrinkles my mom did when she was my age (she smoked a LOT!).
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oh...and I'm a frog because I haven't taken a good picture since I put on 100 pounds, nearly DOUBLING my weight, about 5 years ago. that was the LAST time I had stopped smoking for more than a year (I started up again 2 years ago & by then, the pounds were already on).
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oops. no longer a frog. may be a frog again 2morrow. watch & see?
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It has been 11 weeks, 3 days, 9hours, and 17 min since I quit smoking!
  I have saved $175.85to go on vacation instead of killing myself with smoking!
  I have refrained from smoking 562 cigarettes! Can't believe how nasty 562 cigarettes sound!
  And I have saved 4 days, 7 hours and 9 min. of my amazing life!!!
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It has been 8 days since my quit date. A huge motivation for me to quit besides health issues, was that the 30 years of smoking was taking a toll on my skin...I am a young 48 year old in mind and spirit, but my complextion was definatly showing the signs of a smoker.
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This group is totally what I've been looking for!
  Today is my first day. My hair is dry, my skin never used to have problems with breakouts or anything, but since I've increased the amount I smoke, my skin has gotten out of control! I'm quitting for my health and beauty, and its nice to know I'm not alone.
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