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Smoking Makes You Ugly

Hi, There doesnt seem to be many recent posts,Iam on day 4 and I hate the way I look and I dont want to go out like that my parents both passed away from lung cancer. It is no way to go believe me so helpless...well I am just getting over pnemonia and had no choice so here I am no patch, gum, pills nothing but a will 2 live better.....Thanks Lisa
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120 Replies

I have weight worries too, so don't feel like you're alone on that one! I have weight issues to begin with (I used to weight 200lbs and now am down to 138), but me and food aren't friends to begin with!! I've been exercising like a madwoman and trying a new way of eating. it's called the sugar solution... it's an amazing book. I'm living off it and even my kids are enjoying the food!!!!!
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Almost at day 5 with no relapses. A few withdrawals, but nothing I can't handle. I can breathe again!!!!!
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Fears are normal. Just make up your mind and you WILL do it. My boyfriend's quit date is tomorrow and he's scared too. It's been 7 days for me and I'm still going strong!
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Hey, I'm new to becomeanex, I set a quit date for 5/1 but am thinking of making it sooner! If anyone has any tips on things that help you quit and stick with it let me know!
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Ya all keep up the good ... no...... GREAT WORK..... hit a month and a day and still going strong
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I haven't quit yet, but I do have MAJOR concerns about weight gain when I do. I've only ever weighed 135 lbs in my entire life, and that was when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with my son. I know that weight gain isn't a rapid thing, but at the same time, I know my age and hormones cause weight gain/loss constantly. I'm just concerned that if I do quit then the struggle back and forth with weight gain/loss will only increase. How do I sucessfully quit and remain around the same weight I am now. I work out like 3 days a week for at least 2 hours at a time and I'm always working really hard to make sure that my heart rate is up and that I am constantly breaking a sweat when I do work out. I hate running, so that isn't an option. Please help.
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I tried to quit last year and now I just turned 30 I am trying once again! Please wish me luck!
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I started on my Chantix today! Any pointers from anyone who has tried a gajillonth time and finally did it???
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The Chantix will not take full effect for about two and a half weeks. Read the side effects too. Try to take it earlier in the evening. It can cause sleeplessness. It also can cause panic attacks. My friend had them severley. I told her that since she knows its the Chantix causing them, then convince herself of that! Drink water with real lemon juice. Squeeze the lemon juice from fresh lemons. The lemon cleanses the txins. Sweat (run walk etc) for 20 mins per day. You won't want to eat so much and you will also not gain weight. Raed tapping the healing within. Read the easy way to quit smoking. Get stop smoking by Kevin Trudeau. Loook at and read my webpage. Drink juice, homemade from the juicer (cleanses the toxins) Read my webpage! Tap your chest when you get the urge. Read my webpage. Never give up, never give in.
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