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Sleep Adjustments after You Stop Smoking

Nicotine is a stimulant that increases the heart rate and induces many different chemical reactions in the body at the same time, so it is no surprise that after you quit smoking you will have some sleep adjustments to make.  These can be especially difficult during the first few weeks when your body is just getting used to not having an ample and steady supply of nicotine.

There are two main types of sleep disruptions that will occur when you quit smoking.  The first is the restless night disruption.  This is when you are trying to sleep and are unable to, or when you wake up every hour throughout the night.  When you get up in the morning you feel like you got no rest at all and have to face your day feeling drained.  Unfortunately this is extremely common for people who have recently quit smoking.

When you are unable to sleep after quitting cigarette smoking your body is going through withdrawals.  It is both craving the nicotine, and working hard to eliminate all the toxins that months, or years, of smoking have built up in your system.  Instead of resting your body is working overtime to get you back into a homeostatic state, a state of balance.

The second disruption that is likely to occur is the exhaustive sleep disruption.  This is less a disruption of your sleep as it is a disruption of your life.  It is  not uncommon for many who have recently kicked the habit to sleep upwards of 12 to 20 hours at a time.  This can seriously disrupt your daily life for the short period in which it may occur.  

It usually occurs because your body has been working overtime for a period, trying to clear out toxins and reach that homeostatic state.  This exhausts your body.  Couple that with the lack of the stimulants found in cigarettes and the restless nights you may have experienced earlier in the week an you have a situation in which your body becomes seriously sleep deprived.  Since your body holds a deficit for sleep you miss and it is cumulative, all the sleep you have missed in the past week will need to be made up for.  Your body may go into a deep and heavy sleep to try and regain these lost hours of rest.  The good news is it will usually only last for a night or two and you will wake up feeling refreshed and well rested.

To adjust for these possible situations you should plan to have at least eight to nine hours set aside for sleeping, and schedule it at the same time every day.  Try to avoid any television or other electronics an hour before bed to ensure you are not “wired” when your body is in need of rest.  Picking up a book or making a journal entry is a good idea just before bed that can relax you and put you in a calm state.  You should also avoid coffee and sodas in the later hours of your day.

If you can make it through the first two weeks after quitting your body will return to a normal sleep pattern.  Usually the first few days are the worst and it gets less intense as the days go by, so remember to set aside plenty of time to rest and good luck in kicking the habit.

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25 Replies

Renecly quit smoke for 2 day Today will start 3 days unless i don't broke my habit.....I don't crave for cig only i have big problem is eating, and sleep.....

I need help on the advise what can i do about to less eating and sleep well at night time do u have any idea how to help sleep better and less eating i don't want overweight i already had enough with my weight that i am overweight myself.

I had my goal lost my weights i had talk with the doctor about lap-band and gastric bypass but they recommend me must quit smoke first then can start talk about lap band that is my big dream to be in good shape and health.....i also have big goal to quit smoke for long time....

Did u finally get good sleep since in being it is very hard time to sleep how did u succuessed???? 

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Hey awesomequit,

I think you are doing great.  It takes 72 hours for your body to clear out most, if not all of the nicotine, so don't give up. 

When it comes to eating, try dry vegetables.  They are low in calories and can keep your hands occupied when you have a craving.  If you do need to eat something substantial, make sure it has protien.  Protien makes your body it feel full with less calories than carbohydrates and fats.  Stay away from white bread and other white starches.  They make your blood sugar spike and give you unnatural cravings to eat once your blood sugar crashes back down. 

Make sure you have a pack of gum in your pocket as really helped me to have something I could pop in my mouth at any time.  And drink plenty of water.  You would be surprised how many times you confuse hunger and thirst.  On average the majority of the population confuses the 2 about 50% of the time, and a good portion of the population is dehydrated most of the time.  Try a tall glass of water before you eat and see if your smoke and food cravings don't weaken a bit.

Remember that to quit smoking you don't have to DO anything, just remember why you are quitting.  I know you can do it.  It gets easier from here on out, so stick with it.  I'm rooting for you.

Good luck awesomequit. 


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If sleeping upwards of 20 hours in one time can be one problem.. then I'm already experinecing that problem. For the last several weeks, I have been sleeping upwards to 14 hours in one nite.. I know that it is not from me trying to quit. It is from something else.. But if this is what I am to expect in the days that I do quit... It is nothing new.. It will fit right in with my regular sleeping schedule.


In lue of all of these changes.. I do have a plan. And hopefully I will stick to this plan.  I know that it will be a bit tough, but I will prevail. I know i can do this.  I know I can.

Blessed be to those who have quit...

and to those who are on their way..

My prayers be with you.

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Ok, i totally went through the sleep thing.  I'm on 17 days now and finally adjusting.  Last night was probably the first night i've slept through the night and felt somewhat rested when i woke up. I still have a lot of catch up sleept i'm sure.  Lucky for me i'm a striver so i just make do with what i can.  As far as the eating i thought i'd be eating  alot more than i am. I really only eat my 3 square meals a day and any snacks are usually fruits or veggies lots of sugar free gum when i'm not hungry and just want to eat something.  Also at night i eat sunflower seed and spit the shells into a plastic cup.  I know it sounds funny but it gives you the hand to mouth fixation that is usually the hardest habit to kick.  It really works. Everyone is different but you should give it a shot.  And try to use unsalted seeds, it becomes a lot of salt which isn't very good for you either. Good Luck and keep up the good work!



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I am not hungry either, I think it's because I always smoked after a meal. Maybe now, eating so much not so great without the" reward" at the end...

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I am really experiencing the first stage. I am on day 4 and I haven't slept well at all. Still hanging in there though.

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Two weeks today!  Menopause nightsweats combined with nicotine withdrawal has meant many sleepless nights.  Last night I slept for 8 hours straight..Woo-hoo!

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I lift weights and read before going to bed I also take an bayer. I sleep a good 7 1/2 hours I get up earlyer now but that is good too hang in there we are almost thourgh with the basics I will keep you all in prayer

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After a few weeks quit then your body finds its new balance and those restful nights are soooooo welcome! Just a reminder - going back to smoking just means delaying the inevitable! The best way through is to KEEP GOING with your Quit!!! ATTITUDE makes all the difference! Come to the BLOGS and learn more!!!!

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