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Sinus troubles after quitting?

I have had the WORST sinus pain since I have quit smoking. While I was smoking I would get sinus pain as well that was one of the many reasons why I quit, one of the smaller reasons, but still a reason.

Now that I have quit it is worse than ever. My throat and ears have also been hurting a bit since I quit. I don't know if it is all the crap smoking put into my sinuses ect trying to work itself out or what but I am starting to get annoyed by having severe sinus pain & pressure every day.

Anybody else experience this? Suggestions for feeling better?
36 Replies

now I've had sinus problems for years, 2 surgery's last year and now am scheduled for reconstrutive procedure nose/septum. The DR in Boston whose a specialty in this type of surgery wouldn't even consider it unless I agree to quit 30 days prior to surgery and 30 days afterwards or it'd be worse and unrepairable at that point.. (if I did smoke) If I'm not ready I have to tell him and be honest or only would hurt myself.. Going through the other sinus surgeries smoking didn't help at all.
Are you sure your not experiencing allergies? Even those who don't have allergies are feeling some symptoms this year the pollen count has been at it's highest this year and worse. The DRs even say so too even if you don't' have any type of allergies or seasonal. Also may want to get check for a sinus infection if it hurts that much, you may need an antibiotic

Hi Raychel, I have been suffering from raging sinus's myself since quitting and before that I had the flu with sinus's. Finally could not stand it anymore and went to the Dr today. He was so-o-o nice. He said I would suffer with my sinus's, lungs and other systems cleaning out chemicals in an intermittant fashion probably for 8 mo .to a year. He saw that I did not have insurance and gave me ALL samples and wrote me perscriptions for antibiotics just in case this steriod nasal spray does not work. But we really do not want to use the antibiotic, he just did that so I wouldn't have to pay for another office call. He gave a list of OTC options for different situations that may arise. I could not believe how fortunate I was. Maybe you should just try a Doctor........Mine was $77 for the Dr and I'll bet he gave me $200 in samples. My impression was that doctors really like it when we quit a bad habit and want to start taking care of ourselves. They are all for that. I was truely blessed (and am already starting to feel better.) Something to think about.

I have to report the opposite effect. I have had some type of sinus pain, head-aches, and joint paint for at least the last 18 months strait. I'm on day 5, this time, without smoking and I have no headache, no sinus pain, and very minimal joint pain. What I figure must be occuring is some type of bio-chemical imbalances and then rebalancing, unless maybe your blood pressure is up. Check with your doctor ASAP just to be safe. Difficult to say since we seem to be experiencing exactly the opposite effect. My doctor agreed with me that my smoking was a very likely cause of the sinus troubles I have experienced. In any case I wish you well and don't fool around. See the Doc! Saline mist works for me followed by hot compress across my face. I'm not taking OTC pain relievers anymore either.


I am at 101 days now, but at the beginning when i first quit...and for about a month and a half i did have these probelms with my sinuses. I went to the doctor and i had a sinus infection, and the doctor said its my bodies way of getting rid of all that nasty stuff that you ahve accumulated in your body.
So, it should get better, but you may want to go to the may need antibiotics,

It's been a week and a half, and I noticed yesterday that my sinuses were clogged up. I thought I was getting a sumer cold - but you could be right - maybe it is all the junk.

Thats cool Chris.
Yeah, i have always had horrible problems with my sinuses also. And in fact this past winter i was sick every month for 6, i am very interested to see if this winter is different because i am not smoking.

I just have to report exactly the same thing. Chronic sinus problems. We'll see. The headches are gone before day 19.......peace


I have had the same problem... I am on day 25 and hoped my sinuses would get better... they have not - infact they got worse and i am running a fever now with alot of fatugue because i cannot sleep and breath thru my nose... UGH

I just started on antibotics.. and i am going to buy the neipot thing - i heard it works wonders!

I have just begun my quit but my sister said she had never been sicker than when she quit smoking. I am also suffering from allergies while trying to quit.

This is the time of year when sinus problems come to a head primarily because of all the molds and left over pollens floating around. I use a homeopathic that is amazing. Kalif Sulf (can be found even at Walgreens... but usually at Vitamin and Health shops).

If your symptoms are severe you must call your doctor, though, or go to a walk-in clinic for help. You could be developing a serious sinus infection.

Since I no longer smoke I have more awareness of other things going on in my body... simply because I have the time! LOL