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Sinus troubles after quitting?

I have had the WORST sinus pain since I have quit smoking. While I was smoking I would get sinus pain as well that was one of the many reasons why I quit, one of the smaller reasons, but still a reason.

Now that I have quit it is worse than ever. My throat and ears have also been hurting a bit since I quit. I don't know if it is all the crap smoking put into my sinuses ect trying to work itself out or what but I am starting to get annoyed by having severe sinus pain & pressure every day.

Anybody else experience this? Suggestions for feeling better?
36 Respuestas

I've been smoke free for 4 months & to be honest it's been a battle. Started with a hacking wheezing cough in week 3. DR. said asmtha. Still have it but only once a day every other day and no where near as bad. Tired alot. Got Strep on Labour day and today was told I have a sinus infection. I've had a sore throat on and off for a month. I wish more would be said about what lies ahead when we quit. Don't get me wrong in the long run it will be all worth it. I was going nuts wondering what was wrong and learned alot about reading what others have experienced when they quit through their online discussions. I hope it doesn't last much longer but after 25yrs of posion going into to me I'm sure it will be a little longer to get all the crap out. Check yourself out at your dr's. I got xrays & blood work done & given an ok. It's frustrating but I'm sure it's alot better than what could be in store if we continued to smoke! All the best

Unreal, Raychel, I am having the same problem. Totally cannot breath thru my nose. Came on in a instant, yesterday morning and still have it. I am on day 28 of not smoking, but am on 14mg patches. I had some OTC cold/sinus med that I am taking and it is slowly helping. Wierd. The good news is that we don't have to tell ourselves "you know, I really should quit smoking".

OMG YES!!!!!! Sinus pain, face pain, headache, ear ache...yada, yada, yada! Nightmare! I am over 30 days quit and still experiencing this. I imagine it will "even out" somehow. Yuk!!!!

OMG YES!!!!!! Sinus pain, face pain, headache, ear ache...yada, yada, yada! Nightmare! I am over 30 days quit and still experiencing this. I imagine it will "even out" somehow. Yuk!!!!

no nose problems, but serious breathing problems. i can be sitting in my room reading a book, and all of a sudden i feel as though i got the wind knocked out of me...i guess it's a small price to pay..

maybe you should go see your doctor...they could recommend or prescribe you some medications...i'm pretty sure they will be more than happy to assist you in your efforts to quit.. especially if your health problems are getting slightly worse

I had the same thing, and it's been 3 weeks already. I took day quil and it helped. I'm pretty sure you're right about it being all the tobacco crap being stuck in your system. It sucks, I know.

* I guess after reading everyone elses responses, it could be either. It never hits me this bad, though.

Agree with Leslie. This didn't come on me until day 27 of no smoke. My OTC cold med is "kind-of" working, but not wonderful. We all probably should ck with a Dr. if we want (and can afford) a real answer. guesss we can use some of the money we saved from not buying cig's.........bummer. I had other plans for my money.

Glad to see I am not alone.

It could possibly be allergies as well, but I really think it has something to do with quitting too.

Somebody told me about those neti pot things...well I couldn't find one but I found a similar system that uses a bottle...bought that..have been using it...last night and then 2x today and it is really helping my sinuses already!

WOW, mine cleared today and I can breath clear down to my toes now. Based on the intensity, I think it had something to do with quitting the cigs. I remember, clear back when I was in college (1972), the dentist telling me i had impacted sinus's or something like that. It showed up on the dental xrays. So, apparently they have now cleared. If that dentist is still alive and practicing, I could have him add this information to my records. haha!