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Give and get support around quitting


Should I tell anyone??

When I quit smoking, I didn't tell anyone except my son that I quit. The next day, I told the whole congregation of my church. It was scary because of the thoughts racing through my head: "what if I start up again?" I thought I was putting too much pressure on myself. Pretty soon as I felt stronger in fighting my cravings, I started to tell more people. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I got lots of hugs and support and that helped me. For me it was like telling on myself. But as the days and weeks built up, I was glad that I told others. Especially my family. I had hidden my addiction to smoking for decades(even though it was so obvious!). It was just never talked about. Now it feels really good to be open with my family about how good I feel since I quit. I guess the reason I was afraid to tell others was because I had reservations. I'm so glad that I made it past that.
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2 Replies

That was what I was thinking do I tell anyone what if I fail
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Great choice! I agree. Now others will know to offer you support in your quitting (where you may have received critisim for smoking in the past). It's like drafting up your very own cheerleaders! ;0)
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