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Getting rid of the parafanalia

Have you gotten rid of all your smoking parafanalia? The first thing I did was I threw my cigarettes in the dumpster......where I couldn't reach them. I gave away almost all of my lighters. I think I have two left for candles and incense. I put away all of my ashtrays and ended up giving them to a thrift store when I moved. I have one ceramic one that I use as a spoon rest on my stove. I had my cigarette case in my car for awhile and I finally put it on top of a car in a parking lot for anyone who wanted it. Years ago I got rid of my pipes and roach clips. Some people keep their stuff from smoking around. It's important to me not to have any of it around because it's a process I've had to do to change my lifestyle to being a non-smoker. I have to do everything possible to not fall back into the smoking lifestyle. It still is and always will be there, patiently waiting for me to slip up and come back. Hopefully, not for the rest of my life.
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