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Give and get support around quitting


September Quitters

Happy November to the Septemberers!!!
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602 Respuestas

1 day, 23 hours, 20 minutes.  Not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be thus far. If I can do it, anyone can.  The prep work was essential, and the day before the quit was actually harder than my quit day. The key for me was that I DECIDED to quit.  Once midnight of my quit day hit, it was non negotiable in my head.  I feel free.

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I  wasn't a big smoker than something happened in my life that changed that, a friend gave up on me and I have not seen her in years. It seemed that I just gave up on life after bein' friends with her for 9 years than nothing.

It was pretty much "o'' by the way I'm getting married see you! Maybe its a depression thing and I'm on the wrong site.

Anyway I started smoking more because of the situation and needed to get that off my mind. Thanks

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Welcome to ALL of the September 2010 QUITTERS!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS and good luck in your quit. 

I'll admit that I was a bit disappointed that yall werent interested in joining September quitters, but we're rooting for yall just the same!

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September 13th is my day, no it is not a Friday, lol! I have quit many times, doesn't help that my husband smokes, so they are still around, but he is going to hide them

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Hi Jimmy here nice being in a group of winners !! 30 years of 2 packs a day smoked my last one on 90210, Going on day 5 and its not easy but refuse to give in. Drinking alot of water and sucking on straws cut to the lenth of a Cig, I really think the straw method is working. Also been using Chantix for last 12 days. LETS DO THIS

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Are Susan, Dawn and I the only Septemberer's out there?


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I haven't had a cigarette since Saturday, Setember 4th - I am on day three!  I have quit so many times before - decided to get a plan this time. Just found this site.  Love the idea of working together to step away from the smokes! I have finally decided breathing is more important than smoking!  Finally ready to do this.

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I haven't had a cigarette since Saturday, Setember 4th - I am on day three!  I have quit so many times before - decided to get a plan this time. Just found this site.  Love the idea of working together to step away from the smokes! I have finally decided breathing is more important than smoking!  Finally ready to do this.

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Hello everyone.  I just joined today.  Looks like a very supportive type of program.  My quit date is 21 September 2010.  I really want to quit smoking.  I believe this program will work for me.

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Well, I smoked a cigarette today.  I was in a blah mood, and just lit one up.  I went three days without.  This timeI'm going to call the 800 #.

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