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Give and get support around quitting


Sept 15 is The Day

My quit day that is. I am very nervous and scared to fail yet again. I can't even count the number of times I've tried to quit and failed...that number is as big as the number of reasons I have for quitting. I would love to use some sort of medication to help me but my doctor has insisted that using any would be too harmful to my unborn baby (due in april) so I am relying on good old fashioned will power, along with the tricks I have learned from this awesome website so far. I have managed to go from a pack a day habit to 3 or 4 a day in less than a week and I am hopeful about my quit date but still very nervous and scared like I said. I need all the help I can get which is why I decided to join a few of these support groups. Good luck to all the Sept quitters out there...WE CAN DO IT!!!! Right?????
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2 Replies

Congratulations on deciding to quit, since you'll be helping 2 people get healthier, you AND your baby! Probably best that you not use any meds, and trust me, you can do it girl. Once you get past that physical craving of a few days, it's all mental after that, and you've got the willpower so use it! I've quit numerous times also, but this time I'm doing it for good! Today is day 3 for me. Don't worry about being scared, we're all here to support you! If you need to vent, I've got an ear open all the time. Drop any of us a line when you feel you might cave. You can do it!!
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Thank you so much. I can't say what it means to me to have people on my side that support me and understand what I am going through. I'm actually bawling a little while I write this now (love those pregnancy hormones!) I want this so bad but just doubt myself so often and wish I didn't. My dad quit smoking cold turkey when I was younger and I wish I had that kind of will-power but I've never been brave enough to try the cold-turkey thing. Ironically though he found out he had cancer just a month after he quit and died six months later so a lot of good that did him I suppose. I don't want to go out like that and I can't put my kids through what I went through. I owe it to myself and all that love me to do this. Thanks again for your support and the offer to bend ur ear...I will take you up on it!!!
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