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Second hand smoke

Does anybody else enjoy the smell of second hand smokes since quitting? Sheesh!  I must've followed the cable guys every move outside today, the poor guy probably thought I was stalking him lol. I guess I was but only because he had a lit cigarette in his mouth. I was on him like white on rice just making up questions to ask until his cigarette was gone. I'm feeling ashamed of my behavior right now  . Dang! I hate these cravings!

14 Respuestas

OMG I can actually picture this being done! LOL I personally cant stand the smell and it makes me sick. 


I, too, STILL love the smell of cigarette smoke wafting on the breeze outside - even after 5+ years.  It doesn't make me want one, but I must admit to enjoying it.

But - I would avoid it so early in your quit.  Probably not a good idea to be around it for now for the craves it might induce.

(btw - was the cable guy cute?)



It seems kinda common for ex smokers to enjoy the smell.  I experience an odd nostalgia now & then, especially if I happen to go into an old bar, but to come across others that smell like cigarettes, and to think that I smelled like that, is a solid turn-off for me.

Congrats on your progress and control! 


There is a big difference between "fresh" cigarette smoke and lingering cigarette smoke smell.  The former still smells good to me at times.  The latter is just plain yucky and awful!  You are not alone!  I had to LOL at the visual I got of someone following the cable guy around with lit cig in mouth.  


I have to admit that I was laughing too.  I do not like the smell of a cigarette any more...not a freshly lit one or one sitting in an ashtray, or the smell of smoke lingering on a smoker's clothes.  Honestly, I consider the smoke to be the smoker's waste products and I worked really hard to quit and also to maintain my quit...I want my lungs to be as clean as they possibly can be and not filled with someone else's smoke.  I do know people who like the smell of a cigarette but I am not among them...I can just see you following the cable guy around and would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when he describes that service call to his coworkers or his family.  Hey, you DIDN'T smoke and it WAS outside...still giggling.



I'm with Brianairb2‌ and roller831‌.  I love the smell of a cigarette while it is being smoked (by someone else).  I hate the smell of rooms or cars that have been smoked in.  And I hate the smell of it on people's breath, hair and clothes.  Weird huh?  

For some reason, smelling a lit cigarette has never caused me to crave one.  Even early in my quit.

I think what you said is the normal.

I didn't smoke for the smell.

Always loved it when it wafted on the breeze at the beach 100 feet away when I was a kid. still do.


I can see every person smoking, in their car, walking down sidewalk, ect.  I smell it in the air and want to find the person it belongs to.  One time I almost walking into a light post trying to find where the smell was coming from.  It is like when you buy a new red car and now you find every red car there is.

I feel you, the fight is real!!!


I go hot and cold on this one. I am only on day 8. When I first quit it was brutal. I enjoyed the smell but knew I was too close for comfort. It was day 3 and I was with family (a number of who smoke). BTW, I'd not told anyone I had quit which was a no, no I know but that's me. I was talking with someone when one brother walked up having just had a smoke and stood next to me. Ahhh, suck in in! A minute later another brother, other side, fresh with nic scent.... Oho! Joy! Rapture!

Then something clicked for me ...this is no good, quick .. exit.. stage right... stage left even...

I think I may have made some siblings think I was upset and avoiding them but hell isn't that what the holidays are all about .  Flash forward 3 days to day 6. Out for trivia with my wife and neighbors at a bar. Walking up we had to swim the fog that I merrily used to create and couldn't understand when people would grimace. I smelled it for about a block, and it was not good. The smell really really turned me off (might have helped it was about -4 out)!

As the evening progressed, I would periodically be awash as people exited and entered the bar for their smokes. I can honestly say, while I found it unpleasant I was more ambivalent than anything else. Where I sat I could watch as folks gathered outside the window at the curb and puffed, no real issues.

I really think a lot of what I've read on this site about not avoiding, but facing, embracing, whatever you want to call it.... smoking (the smells, cravings, etc) really is helping me overcome this. It's taught me not that while we are not seeking it out we should not go to great lengths to avoid it. It's inevitable that you'll see, smell smokers so we need to learn to accept it, breathe it and move on. Take a look at it, think about it, discard it.

Just my two cents......

Best of luck,