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Give and get support around quitting


Scared of dying

Hi, my name is Traci and I am scared of dying. Doctors have told me that I will not see 50 if I do not quit, I am 42. I want to so bad but it is such a part of me since I have been doing it for 30 yrs. Please give me the strength! I need help real bad, I am desperate to quit.
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33 Replies

Hey Traci I am so glad you found this site! We will be here to help you every step of the way! You can make this happen for yourself! Have you tried the EXplan to target your triggers? Have you thought about putting together a quit plan? Please feel free to drop me a line whenever.
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Hey Traci I am so glad you found this site! We will be here to help you every step of the way! You can make this happen for yourself! Have you tried the EXplan to target your triggers? Have you thought about putting together a quit plan? Please feel free to drop me a line whenever.
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Hi Traci! I came to this site yesterday and I am also afraid of dying, plus I am 7 monthes prgnant. I wake up with a sore throat everyday. I would love to help you through this and so far the support is awesome. Just remember that you can do this, and not to be afraid. This is our chance to fight this once and for all! I want to see you live to be a 100 years old and live happily without this addiction. Stay strong, and work at a pace that is good for you. Stay strong!
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Hey Traci.

Get determined. You have all the reasons in the world to quit. You can do this!

Read my 6 months post. Read the junkie thinking post. Read about the EX plan, Get a plan, Get ready, Do it!

You can do this!! Do not try to quit......just quit! All the help is just need to do the work. Put them down.

Prayers. Susan Day 182
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I quit yesterday. It's been over 24 hours and I haven't had a smoke. Do I want to? heck yeah! Am I going to? Heck no! What I hate the most about the cigarettes is the hypochondriac I've become. Every little pain or ache sends thoughts racing through my mind. I have 2 little boys and have enough on my plate without the added thoughts and fears. So I know just how you feel. And after 18 years, I finally did it. If I can do it, I'm almost certain anyone can. Please convince yourself that you are sooooo worth the effort - because you are!
God luck,
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Hello Traci,
I totally agree with Jennifer. I have been smoke free for 94 days and all those 94 days all I think about is I am going to die of something smoking related, sounds silly I know. To be honest I have felt worse since I quit but I know that, it is all part of the healing process. As with Jennifer I also have turned into a hypochondriac, every little pain that I feel I think that it is some king of awful disease. I went to the Dr 2 weeks ago and had a clean bill of health and even that did not help much. I smoked for 20 years and believe me you too can quit. Just as you talked yourself into smoking I believe you can talk yourself out, it will just be a little harder. Our minds our funny and amazing with all that we do with them. Keep up the good work we are all here to help you.

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Hi Traci,
I'm so glad that you found us. It is a great site to work through your quitting process. We are all here to help you and I know how scary it is to let go after 30 years. I smoked for 37 years and have made it for over 16 months. Find your triggers and make your plan, then, you can work your plan. This will help you to succeed. The EX plan is a great one to help you. Make sure you line up plenty of projects to do while you are quitting. These will help you physically and take some of the edge off mentally. Just ask if you need any help, there is always someone willing to lend you a helping hand. Warm smiles and hugs to you......
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Hi Traci,
I'm so glad that you found us. It is a great site to work through your quitting process. We are all here to help you and I know how scary it is to let go after 30 years. I smoked for 37 years and have made it for over 16 months. Find your triggers and make your plan, then, you can work your plan. This will help you to succeed. The EX plan is a great one to help you. Make sure you line up plenty of projects to do while you are quitting. These will help you physically and take some of the edge off mentally. Just ask if you need any help, there is always someone willing to lend you a helping hand. Warm smiles and hugs to you......
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Hi Traci,

Just remember you have the power to do whatever YOU decide to do. When you think of doing anything ,do it out of love, instead of fear. When we do something out of love, the power is totally awesome!

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