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Give and get support around quitting


Scared and Determined

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I am on Day 11 of quitting and found this site. I cannot wait for the day I don't feel that anxious feeling of what the heck am I doing!!! NOPE. That is what I am telling that feeling - just NOPE. It's Working but harder at times than others. I am taking 1/2 pill of Chantix daily since March 23rd and would like to quit doing that but am worried that it will cause me to go back to smoking when I do stop taking it.  Ugh, staying strong is so tiring - or is it the Chantix that makes me so tired?!! Both?  Anyway, looking around this website and finding great info. Thank you all so much - when I feel weak I will be coming to you all. Determined, scared, hopeful, steady, wavering, strong, NOPE.   All of those emotions 1000 times a day!!

Etiquetas (1)
1 Solución

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Welcome to the Ex @AddJoy   and congrats on 11 days of success.  The psychological part of quitting takes some time for most of us.  Experiencing multiple emotions is common - there are ups and downs during the quitting journey.    Be patient with yourself--it will get easier as your move forward and build confidence in your quit.  If your tolerating the Chantix ok, I would follow the directions and stop it when recommended.  You've come this far, so why take the chance.   Many quitters are tired when they quit and need more rest.  Try increasing the dopamine you've lost by quitting--one good way is exercising.  Walking is great.  Here are some more ideas.

Stay close and reach out of you need encouragement.   The support early on truly helped me be successful.

One day at a time.  




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8 Respuestas

You can do this!  Click on the link below and form a plan to quit and keep your quit!  This is from the old Quitnet site that has since closed.  If I can quit after 50 years of smoking you can too and I will help you and be your quit buddy if you want...

Click on the link and copy and paste it.  Then you can print it out in your word sect

new quitters, like me, to become smoke free!



Etiquetas (1)

Wow, you are so inspirational!  I’m brand new and about to quit.  I thought I might be hopeless after 40+ yrs, my whole life really. I have an appointment today with a specialist Dr for help.  Honestly, I’m scared of it.  The withdrawal, etc after all this time. You just gave me true hope!! Thanks for sharing that.  Maybe I won’t have to die of emphysema like my Mom & Grandmom 💕


@PamelaJP  Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  I smoked for 50 years and celebrated my three year anniversary recently.  It's never too late!   Are you seeing a doctor to discuss an aid to help with quitting?  There are successful quitters here that have quit cold turkey or used every aid available.  I used Welbutrin, nicotrol inhalers, and found the ex a week before my quit.  Having the support for other quitters has made the difference for many.

It's normal to feel anxious about quitting.  Everything we did involved smoking.  This is a great time to learn about nicotine addiction.   Understanding how nicotine effects us physically and psychologically helps to alleviate the fear.  And having a quit plan gives you the power to create new associations instead of smoking .

We're here to support on your journey.



Thank You! Yes, I actually joined a medical quit program with a hospital nearby.  I have Chantix (haven’t started yet), nicotine patches, & lozenges.  I was thinking the inhaler might be better than the lozenges but gotta start somewhere.  I’m do to start the Chantix this week.  And they have group therapy I start this Tues.  It’s a 6 week program.  It is truly encouraging to me to see those of you who have done this!! And, Wow, 3 years is amazing! Congratulations!

0 Kudos

Welcome to the Ex @AddJoy   and congrats on 11 days of success.  The psychological part of quitting takes some time for most of us.  Experiencing multiple emotions is common - there are ups and downs during the quitting journey.    Be patient with yourself--it will get easier as your move forward and build confidence in your quit.  If your tolerating the Chantix ok, I would follow the directions and stop it when recommended.  You've come this far, so why take the chance.   Many quitters are tired when they quit and need more rest.  Try increasing the dopamine you've lost by quitting--one good way is exercising.  Walking is great.  Here are some more ideas.

Stay close and reach out of you need encouragement.   The support early on truly helped me be successful.

One day at a time.  





Great  job on 11 days.  I understand what you are going through.  This site was what made all the difference for me.  I had tried to quit multiple times over many years.  I came to this site everyday sometimes multiple times a day.  After 7 years quit I can guarantee you, it was worth all the suffering to enjoy life as a non -smoker.  You can do this.  Stay close to this site.


Congrats on 11 days of freedom.  Pat yourself on the back that you are not allowing your fears to overrule your determination. A wise elder once said "Fear is False Expectations Appearing Real".  Know that you can do this. NMW by any means necessary do not smoke. Keep it going. The journey continues one day at a time. 


@AddJoy Hang in there...11 days quit is great, but still very early in the journey.  Keep close to the support site for help and to encourage others on this journey.

When you feel anxious try this breathing exercise and see if it helps...


Another thing that helped me ... was getting out for a walk...let us know how you are doing ~ Colleen 862 DOF