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Give and get support around quitting


Saying Hi and Have a Quick Question; Lack of Focus

Hi, I just wanted to say hello. I found this community and am excited about it. I am still preparing myself for my quit date but quite scared.

Those of you who are already quit, how did you deal with lack of focus and concentration? I tried quitting before and the biggest challenge was this: I turned into a moron and could not do any work. Unfortunately, my work is intellectually demanding and I cannot afford to loose focus. How did you get over lack of concentration and how long did it last?

I would appreciate all comments, best of luck everyone.
Talk to you soon again
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3 Replies

HI Jacci,
Thanks for the reply. I loved the term "brain fog". In fact, that is exactly how it feels and I hate it. Thanks for the tips as well. It feels good to have support and people who understand.
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My work is quite demanding and although I never really had to deal with "lack of focus" due to not smoking I have had to deal with it! It can be so aggravating! I usually try to go outside myself for less than 30 seconds and then get right back to work. I'm a CNA and becoming a RN so if that doesn't work I'll step away from the patient--usually he/she is part of my problem--out of their room if possible, go to the washroom, do some paperwork, or anything that will keep me from getting too lost in the "brain fog."

I don't know if that makes any real sense or helps at all, but sometimes I don't use the best words to explain myself! Best of luck with your quit! You've taken the first step, just take the next and you'll be in the right direction for your life and the lives of those you care about!!!

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Hey Ann ...

Want to be scared of scared of Cancer...................................or sucking air through tubes ...

It is not about luck !! It all about determination and deciding to stop making excuses to poison yourself anymore....

Can you make a pack with yourself to stop poisoning yourself anymore?

Did I help you concentrate .........?

I can offer support if you want .....let me know how I can best help ....ok?

Just wanted to say hello and let you know I have help put a group of smoke free friends from another smoke free online support group here that want to help you succeed. Below are some of our groups and a video to make sure you do quit ASAP if not sooner.

Daily Pledge - Quit Party Central - Relapse Traps
Game Room Quit Reasons - Thanks and Praise
Tough Luv - Words of Wisdom - Find a Quit Buddy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Reading -
For a Free Quit Keeper -

YOU CAN DO IT ... we can help .....just ask !
5.4 Million die due to smoking related causes every year.
That's 2000 times a 9/11


I have been quit for 4 Years, 1 Month, 2 Weeks, 23 hours, 28 minutes and 26 seconds (1,505 days). I have saved $12,047.82 by not smoking 60,239 cigarettes. I have saved 6 Months, 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 3 hours and 55 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 4/4/2004 12:00 AM
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