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Give and get support around quitting



Hi Everyone,

Been doing acupuncture and it is helping/working. I'm on day 14 of no cigarettes and am over the withdrawal, but the craving is still strong and my mind is consumed with wanting to smoke. While I do want that cigarette, I don't want to undo all the hard work I've put in. Anybody have any suggestions.

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7 Respuestas

I smoked my last cigarette on Friday 2/26/10. I'm not sure how to utilize EX  to stay cigarette free. Could someone give me some info as to what I do now. Thanks!

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I just keep telling myself, "It's easier to stay quit than to have to quit again." It isn't a cure all, but it helps me put things in perspective!

Best of cotinued success.

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Yeah, no way do I want to go thru the stuff I've been thru in the last few weeks. This Quit has to be the last one. For the first week I was probably on this site 4 hours a day both reading and blogging. I've never smoke at the computer, so it was a way to avoid smoking and get positive reinforcement. Write if you feel like it and you will be amazed at the support you get. I get through the triggers by positive self talk. I didn't believe myself in the beginning, but kept saying I didn't want to smoke, I'd wait a while, I am strong and lots of other stuff and finally I'm believing that I can do this.
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My quit date was 2/28/10, I am using Chantix. I have already slipped twice.  My main trigger is stress.  I've got to learn how to deal with stress in a different way.  Being around a smoker does not typically bother me, my husband smokes.  He has however, took all the ashtrays out of the house and tries his best not to smoke around me.  He is very old school, so this is a big step for him.  I hope I make it.  I am not letting the slip ups bring me down.  I almost did on the second one, but I got over it.  Today was a hard day for me in the car, felt like I was missing something or forgot something.  I will tell you this, It feels so good getting up in the morning and not thinking about cigarettes. I really thought the mornings was going to be the rough part, but its not for me.  I have strong urges at work, sitting, its all the sitting.  I have to stay busy at home to keep the cigarettes out of my head.  I think the Chantix is working for me.  I might need something else if I can't get a hold of the stress situation.  Good Luck everyone!!   It is worth it.

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well hi everybody this is hard, its my 4th day, I have had a couple drags in the evening that seems to be the hardest for me, but I will continue to keep on, what a addiction this is.... yuk I hate cigaretts Im going to win this time and put 30dollars away every week in savings its so expensive but what a mind game it plays with me WOW lesa

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Big thing is to stay away from all the places you used to smoke. Wash everything get the smell out of your house if you smoked. Chew gum. Chantix worked for me. Go get your teeth cleaned and and put money you saved to get your teeth whitened. Stay away from caffine also. It also helped to ween my self from 3  pots of coffee a day to 5 or 6 cups. Good Luck!

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I have smoked for 12 years about a pack a day.  My husband died 12/15/07, I was 28 years old with an 11 month old.  For the past few years, that my my excuse to continue smoking.  I am now getting married again in May and I found out last week I am pregnant again.  I had one cig. last night and one this morning.  Quitting smoking is the hardest thing I have ever tried in my life.  I keep telling myseld "THIS TOO SHALL PASS".  I am mad, anxious, irritable, mean, a total BITCH....and I am scared that I can not quit.  I smoked thru my first pregnancy, and got lucky, my daughter is fine,.....but I don't want to do that again.     Am I really that selfish of a mom that I actually want to continue smoking thru my pregnancy, how trashy is that, that the person I really wnt to be....TO have this huge pregnanct belly and to still SMOKE?  What is wrong with me....HOw come I can't think of anything else????  AM I CRAZY??  AM I NORMAL????

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