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Give and get support around quitting



I have been smoking for 36 years and never really thought i could quit, but after being smoke free for 24 days I think I can do it. The one thing that i have learned is my life did revolve around a cig. I'm having a hard time getting used to my new smoke free self. There are days that are hard, but I don't want a cig. I just don't know what to do with myself. When I wake up I think I don't smoke anymore so what will I do now. Does anyone out there understand what I'm trying to say? I love being a non smoker, but I guess now I need to get a life. I love this web site it has gotten me through these past 24 days.
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I quit on June 9th myself, and yes I totally understand what you are going through. I have cigg cravings, but I think it is more from not knowing what to do with the extra time, and it seems like there is a lot of it. More from the habit that anything else. It doesn't bother me to be around people smoking, I get a passing thought like I may want one, then think no I don't really and go on about my business. The cravings come less and less every day, but when one does sneak up on me, it is usually a doosey. This site is a blessing, I just sit and read and the cravings pass, I couldnt have made it this far without it.
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It doesn't bother me to be around people smoking either. I figure that I have to learn how to deal with it I thought it might be hard but it actually isn't. I don't want to smoke anymore, I guess that's why it's easy to be around cig. I'm still working on filling all that extra time that I have now that I'm a NON SMOKER!!! I agree this site is the greatest I don't think I could have made it this far without it.
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