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I slipped today. Before anybody tries convincing me my reason is based on a flimsy excuse, I would be inclined to challenge them.  I’ve been doing good in my first 7 days of not smoking. I even got thru the first most difficult 3 days and was finally feeling like I can DO this. Going off the patches made the effort a little more difficult, but I was sticking with it. In the last 3 nights, though, I’ve been woke up twice from sound sleep with severe headaches caused from occipital neuralgia (diagnosed 2 years ago) which was treated successfully with gabapentin.  I since ran out of that medication, but was told the 6 month dose was probably enough to settle the nerves down.  Now the nerve/s is/are apparently ticked off, again, and with a vengeance. When these headaches strike it feels like a meat cleaver has been buried in the top of my head.  It’s an intense, icy, stinging pain that gradually radiates acrossed my head. My eyes water and it takes everything I have to just breathe through the pain with an ice bag on top of my head, and wait until it starts settling down, then I have a mild headache for the following 24 hours. Sometimes it’s so bad it feels like the top of my head had been ripped open and my immediate reflex is to grab my head to hold it together, because it feels like ice cold air is rushing into my skull.  NOT fun.  I’ve had a full series of MRI’s and CT scans before to rule out things like a stroke; occipital neuralgia is the confirmed diagnosis. As if the fear of continuing to have these fierce and unexpected headaches isn’t enough, another problem arose today - GETTING a refill for the medication that treats the cause.  And it’s not because I don’t have excellent insurance.

This afternoon I discovered that GETTING a refill is next to impossible, because the neurologist who prescribed it is no longer within my hospital system. A new neurologist was assigned to me awhile back and my first appointment was to have been 2 months ago. They changed that appointment to May 24th, though and, last week they called, again, and pushed it out even further, to June 22nd. Meanwhile the headaches had started coming back, so I requested them to, at least, order me a refill till I could SEE the new doctor. The nurse said “no problem, we commonly do that, especially when we are the ones rescheduling appointments.”  What a relief!  Fast forward to May 21st, when the pharmacy called and said the new doctor would NOT order a refill after all. So I called the neurologist’s office for help. They were no help at all, because the new doctor wasn’t the one who originally ordered gabapentin for me. I get it, but when I asked what I should do under the circumstances, the receptionist told me “call you’re primary doctor, that’s what she’s for.”  

That was no help, either, because my doctor is on vacation till the end of a June and nobody will order me a refill without seeing me first, plus I was told a neurologist would have to order gabapentin, anyway, vs my primary doctor (an internist). I get that, too, so I asked if I they have a neurologist working in Urgent Care Clinic? She didn’t think so, but would check, but I already know the ONLY neurologist who works at that hospital has already pushed my appointment out to the end ofJune.  I even told them I am so afraid of the headaches that I am willing to drive to another neurologist within 100 miles if they could just get me in, but that plea was to no avail either.  So I wait and just pray I don’t have any more headaches in the meantime. Not one of my better days.

So yeah, I slipped. And even when I did I knew damn well it’s not going to change anything I’m experiencing at this moment, but I made the choice to give in because I was a train wreck and all I wanted was SOMETHING that would relieve my frustration and tears even if it was only a temporary fix.  I’ll get back to my quit, I swear. I just don’t think it’s going to be today is all.

82 Replies

I really love that bearded iris on your profile picture! Stunning. Do you have an variety name for it?

I hope you get answers and help soon, medically . Your in my thoughts and prayers.

0 Kudos

I don’t know the variety of that iris. My brother gave the bulbs to me and he always bought them from a specialty iris farm.  Want one? I have to divide them this year and I’d be glad to send a few of the bulbs to you. Just let me know:)


It sounds like you really know what was going on ..... the ambush..... the addict in you ambushed the quitter in you.  Back up on that horse lady. no excuses..... cigarettes are killing you.


I'm confused.  You'd sent me an earlier message stating "it seems that you don;'t know where you are at in this journey.  just saying"  I responded by asking if you'd care to elaborate, because I didn't know what you meant by that. I'm assuming this is your response to that. So to respond to both of your messages, I think I made it clear that I claimed responsibility for my quit in more than one response above, as well as writing that I had re-started my quit the following morning. 

0 Kudos

you are doing Awesome!!! @bhnca


Hi Bonnie sorry your pain drove you over the edge and you lost your quit. It really sucks that you had to go through all of that just to get back on Gabapentin. Glad to hear someone prescribed you 14 day supply and Yay for you getting right back on that horse.  Just food for thought what can you do to detour or stop that slip when life happens again? Maybe come here write a blog for help, or read blogs. You see we do want you and everyone to succeed, we are here to help. Sure hope they get you that neurologist and you get to feeling better quick.


Yeah, well stuff happens, you know? I got the medicine I needed, after all, and I look at this incident as a good learning lesson. I have to arm myself better and be more prepared for these surprises, because there’s ALWAYS going to be surprises. One thing I did yesterday was buy a new softer squeeze ball and it worked so well I was able to drive 80 miles today without freaking out. I think I better buy a couple more, though, because I’m afraid I’ll wear the first one out! Thank you for your concern and encouragement. It helps me a lot:)


Has anyone gave you reading suggestions that may help you understand this addiction and how to arm yourself. AS you are right this will not be your first surprise so you come up with a list of things you can put into a plan of action when something triggers you. Then pull that list out when life happens and you know what to do.  Never hesitate to put up a blog of HELP when your stumped and don't know how to handle it.  That is what we are here for. We all been where you are and yes I won't deny it is tough but you can do it. Key is relearning life without smokes in hand.  We can help talk you down by trying different things. The beauty of this site is you don't have to do this by yourself.  Feel free to message me any time. Hope today went better.


What kind words. Thank you. Yes, I have a personal tracking journal, including affirmations and incentives that I add things to frequently, and I read things on this site and others a lot. What I haven’t done, though, is start a blog like you suggested. In fact I didn’t know how to do that until I read your post, so I went back to the home page and figured it out. I’m going to start one as soon as I’m finished with this response. I was going to elaborate on my recent crisis in this message, but I’ll save it for my first blog. Thank you for heading me in that direction! 


My son and daughter in law are both on gabapentin and it was prescribed by their PCP's, I was on it for a short time after my lung surgery but I had terrible side effects.  Be sure to keep it filled...just to have it on hand.  Nerve pain is terrible.
