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Give and get support around quitting


Roll Call!

Just thinking about days gone by and people that were a big help to me in my quit.  So many that we no longer hear from and that is sad - because they have so much to offer.  I am going to @ mention some of these folks in hopes that a little nudge will get them to stop by and say hello and let us know how they are doing. Feel free to add others that I may have missed.




















81 Respuestas

Sending prayers up for your safety too Giulia, spiders creep me out just as much as mice but you must be safe, huge hug.

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I'm an orphan from the storm.  We evacuated at 6 Friday night and landed in a posh resort on Lake Lanier north of Atlanta 18 hours later.  We have 2 dogs with us who are confused but copecetic.  We then experienced 11 hours of no power here when Irma roared thru.  My friend, who lives near here,  accused me of bringing her along.  Our house appears intact with all windows, doors and roof looking good.  Power was restored this afternoon.  We have gas buddy on both phones and have studied how to use it.  WE needed it today here to top off the tank.  We will give it a shot tomorrow.  My praises go out to Jennifer at onstar.  When the free deal expired on the car we opted for the cheapest package thinking we could use Waze on the phones for the navigation feature.  Onstar notified all their customers that anyone who is a subscriber could get whatever help we need.  Jennifer worked for over 3 hours and found a wonderful place for us.  The staff at Lake Lanier Islands love us and love our dogs and have been very kind and accomodating.  I hope Tommy is ok.  I'm not on here much right now as I'm following things at home and replying to wonderful family and friends who are concerned.  YaYa


How nice of you to check in...Tommy is far, we have not heard of anyone who is not.  There is one member who was riding it out in the Keys and we are all worried about her but we have to wait...

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Glad all is well with you.  Pretty amazing to leave one place only to go to another and the power goes out too.  Safe travels home.  thanks for checking in!

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I just noticed a message, posted 19 hours ago, on my facebook page that gives me hope for our Key West family member. 

We are proud to report that All here is good. 
Weathered the storm. 
Will reopen as soon as water is restored to our island.
We know you've all been wondering and worrying about The Parrot and all those who chose to stay Nicki, Buco, Jeff Laurendeau, Mr Bill, Michael, Finn, Kate and Beaver, Aaron, Jeff Page, Shane, Helene, Dino at Charlie Macs, Snoop from Island Dogs and Russell from Half Shell. We want to report that all are well and chomping on the bit to serve our island city once again.
We thank everyone for their prayers and we are blessed to have all of you in our orbit. 
I chose to evacuate but I know how much your thoughts and prayers mean to all in our Green Parrot family.
More to come, but for now, God bless you all.#greenparrotbar#irma#keywest#stillhere#hurricaneirma

Image may contain: one or more people, night and outdoor

Thanks SO much for passing this along, it certainly gives more hope.

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Jennifer-Quit‌ Hellooo there my friend and thanks for mentioning me in the discussion!! I was SO intimidated with the new EX format it took me awhile to buck up and start to figure it out lol

I just learn the '@someone' feature today...whoo hoo!! I still can't figure out how to see how many days I am quit for...I've seen it before just don't remember!!

Anyway...Hope all is well with you and it's nice to see you still strong & happy quit!!! xo

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Hi - joyeuxencore‌ - if you click on "My quit plan" in upper right corner, you can see your number of days.  The only way to learn and become comfortable with the new format is to jump right in and do it!  Let me know if I can help.

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Anybody seen Trudy of late?  tjanddj‌  

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Hi Giulia,

I guess it has been a while since I've checked in. Been busy moving into new apartment. My son Matthew will be moving in with me. Quite the emotional adventure this has been. I am going to really miss living in the peace and quiet but I am passing that quietness off to my niece and her husband. Letting go of the last place I shared with Dennis is not very easy either. However, I am looking forward to where life is taking me. I have a big dream and this is a step in getting there. Still smoke-free!! Very pleased that I don't have to share my time with that nasty habit. My thoughts and love to you all!

Keep moving!


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