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Give and get support around quitting


Roll Call!

Just thinking about days gone by and people that were a big help to me in my quit.  So many that we no longer hear from and that is sad - because they have so much to offer.  I am going to @ mention some of these folks in hopes that a little nudge will get them to stop by and say hello and let us know how they are doing. Feel free to add others that I may have missed.




















81 Respuestas

Nice blog... nice idea Jennifer ! you are very thoughtful !


I miss someone who chose to leave for a variety of reasons.  She is still quit.  But she had an incredibly strong group that many people joined called Candid Quitters back in 2008.  She was a no nonsense, straight shooter in her support here.  Some would call that tough love.    She was so angry with the changes to the site (this was YEARS ago two platform changes before this one I believe), the way she felt treated as a supporter (by the administration/site owners), she deleted every ounce of her input on the site.  Her group, her blogs... she took away EVERYTHING of hers.  EXCEPT her comments on blogs way back then that are still splattered around those old ancient blogs of yore.  There were too many for her to go back and search through to delete.  Her name is Peggy.  And I admired the hell out of her.  Still do.  She rode horses in rodeos and could sit a saddle not only on a horse but on her quit.  I never quite understood the anger that would make you subtract ALL of your support here that so helped others to quit.  And I thought it rather selfish.  But after this last platform change I have understood it.  Totally.  

I miss Pops.  His input here was incredible.  He was such a great supporter and contributor of new ideas.  And he's someone who recently left. And the sting of that still hurts.  In his case he thought we in the community were ganging up against him.  He too has de-activated his account. 

So with both of these amazing supporters, @ mentioning them would mean nothing and would not bring them back because they aren't getting notifications.  But they added so much to my understanding of positive support input.  They taught me how to, how not to, what best to... they enriched my methods of support.  I would say they helped me quit, but I quit long before they did, so I can't say that. But I did want to @ mention them in my heart here.  For there are among the missing.

Also @shaheen   Too long we have not heard a peep out of you.  Four months ago was the last contact.  Let us know how you're doing.

And there are others I could add, but it's after midnight and my brain is tired.  

Great Roll Call idea Jennifer!  Who knows.  With this bog you just might get some to return and not just for a hello but add some continuing support on a regular basis.  Hope so!

Send me a PM please. I did a quick search but didn't have any luck. 

0 Kudos

This was a great idea to post this Jennifer-Quit, I have missed seeing may of these people as well! Life does get in the way sometimes . In a couple weeks, I will probably not be here until our move is complete through end of October.


I still do miss TerrieQuit‌, JustSharon‌, and MePlus3‌.  Hoping they will get restarted and join us here soon!


JustSharon was here and put a like on something just a couple of days ago, I see Terrie and Kimberly quite often on FB, but they sure are missed here! 

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I miss them too !

0 Kudos

Hidy Ho friends, got a little nudge in my email this morning (thank you Jenn, miss you much) so I'm here to say hello. I miss all of you amazing people that helped me so much with my quit and I am creeping up on my 4th, yes 4th year smoke free....~Yay Me!  For those of you that met and know me ~ know I am a bit of a free spirit.  I speak my mind, I don't mince my words and I don't like being told what to do.  I will call a spade a spade and choose some colorful words at times.  That is why I cannot visit regularly, I do not like the way this site has taken on a new level, and that saddens me because a lot of you are so important to me and I miss you. What we have all done here is incredible and amazing and we should be able to share that with each other without being in a controlled environment.  Nice to see you  @@Old bones.  We actually made no mans land an easier transition with all the stories and creatures.  I still have my stick that you left for me to fight my way thru. pir8fan, miss you Tommy and I hope all of your margaritas are double dipped (salted) and you are well, I love you.  Giulia, you were always the, lets say big sister, you made me slow down and look at things rationally, my voice of reason, Love you lady.   nancyjenelvan‌, Marilyn_marmac_07-31-13 Blog‌ (my sister from another mister)Storm.3.1.14‌, Love you brother, Damn we had some fun, Anyway I don't have time to list all of you that meant so much to me in my journey and kept my quit solid. I'm  sending hugs across the miles and cherishing all the memories of the past.


M.s J (Jackie)



Really really nice Ms.J_11-10-2013 so good to hear from you !


Hello free spirit.  Some people prefer minced words, some prefer to eat them whole with lots of salt and pepper!  Each to their own, eh?!    Glad you dropped in to shine a little of your light back on the place.  You know where we are if you ever get lonely.  Take good care of you.

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