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Give and get support around quitting


Resetting the quit date and dealing with anxiety

This may be a little on the negative side and I apologize but I feel like discussing it here, honestly with you all with be here goes. I’m going to tell on myself and admit that I have reset my quit date several times. I really decided that I want to stop smoking a few weeks ago and, not that this is an accolade, I have made some small positive changes and have at least cut down. My problem is this- I didn’t realize just how much of my life I dedicated to smoking over the last year. I have been smoking for over 20 years and have always had a full life until this past year. It’s a yin and yang situation. I met the love of my life and moved in, he is very supportive of my quitting and did so himself five years ago. I am now unemployed though, for the first time in ages and am living in a relatively new area so not too many social connections. I spend a great deal of time just sitting in my yard with coffee and smoking- without that, it’s like my life is completely empty! I know it sounds rediculous and I have a great amount of guilt. I am in a good place and I do have things to do to keep myself busy, distractions, etc. I’ll also be back to work shortly but for now it’s overwhelming and at the very least, I’m getting this “secret” out and telling on myself.Thoughts? Again, I apologize for the gloom! Lol. 

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Also this recording was and still is a great help to me!!  It helped me learn for one to relax!  Perfect to listen to when you are very tired.

It also helped me to visualize myself as a non-smoker in the future, and save my butt when it got a bit tough....  It may not be for everyone but I enjoy listening to him.  He also has others including dealing with anxiety. Worth a try....

I found him when I goggled for stopsmoking motivation....

Stop Smoking Self Hypnosis (Quit Now Session) - YouTube 


Kamella  You really ARE in a good place to start your quit, you have things to be grateful for and you know that this is something that you WANT.  Welcome to EX, certainly doing the reading that YoungAtHeart‌ linked you to is a HUGE help, so is staying close to the site.  Instead of smoking...get on your computer and come here.  That helped me SO MUCH, I came here every morning and every evening.


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