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Give and get support around quitting


Reset quit date

I have reset my quit date about 3 times.  When it gets right up to it, I can't seem to find the will power to not buy any more ecigs. I have read a lot on here, and think I can do it right until my quit date.  I am so discouraged.  

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8 Respuestas

@Social12 Having some willpower is a good way to get your quit underway.  But it's also important to have quitting strategies.   This isn't easy and that's pretty much what I did with multiple quit attempts over 50 years.  I might make it a week without smoking. 

Have you put an actual plan in place?  Even write your plan down and the reasons why you want to quit.  Keep it close by an read it every time your tempted to buy smokes.  Have you identified tools you can use when you have a craving?   There are lots of favorites.  I used Sour Patch Kids and chewing on straws.  I kept them in my car at all times.

Are you buying the cigarettes at the same place?  If so, drive in a different direction.

And don't forget to reach out before you by the smokes, not after.  Give your fellow quitters a chance to talk you down off the ledge.   I can tell you that activity saved my quit several times early on.  

Have you considered using a quit aid?  They worked for many of us.  I used Welbutrin and nicotrol inhalers.  They're still an aid and you have to do the work, but they  can really help you to get off to a good start with less cravings.

The Importance of Self-Compassion when Trying to Q... - EX Community

Don't forget it's one day at a time.  That was important for me when I quit.  I knew I could smoke again if I chose to.  I only had to not smoke for one day.  Don't think about forever right now.

Believe in yourself.  You can this.




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@Barbscloud.  I thought I had listened to you before, when I was going to Quit.  I guess I was wrong. This time I will reach out for help here before I buy another ecig. That part I didn't do! Thanks.



You just have to decide that this is it.  Be strong and start your journey.

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The addict is still running your life and having its way.  I can only tell you what I did and how I was able to start my quit journey.  As a Christian, I ended up giving it all to God.  I had no power over this addiction (I was a smoker) and I recognized it and prayed fervently for help.  I just wanted the DESIRE to quit smoking, cos my willpower was a joke and I liked smoking.  I was also watching a dear friend suffer from the effects of smoking and it really hit home for me that I needed to quit, or I would suffer too. That prayer enabled me to start watching awful smoking videos,  starting with  I watched video after video and that is how I got my mind "right".  The desire to quit did come and I set a quit date and by that time (3 weeks after the prayer) I was ready.  

I know how you a failure.  It's gutwrenching.  Don't stay there in that mindset.  You are not a failure, you just haven't figured out a plan that will work for you.....yet.  Keep reading and learning about this addiction and how it addicts all of us.  

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I also belive in God and thought I was turning this addiction over to Him numerous times.  Guess I wasn't serious, or I kept taking it back.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

I find that if you hold yourself to your goal, than don't go back. Plan for your cravings! You got this.

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team
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Thank you.  I'm not going to quit trying!!


My advice is the next time you feel that wave of strength that says “yes I can quit I am ready to quit” instead of taking that moment to set a quit date, quit right then.   
I can relate to your experience because when I used to think about quitting I’d actually end up smoking more and hating myself a little bit more for it.  The addiction is just so clever and harmful.  I hope you break free of it soon.  The date will only be important when you take the step to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TODAY.   

Will the first week suck? YES.  will the first month be hard? Yes.  Will it be worth it? Yes.  Is it doable? Yes.  Make peace with the process and once you decide right now is the time then let there be no take backs.    
You can do this and only you can do this for you.