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Reset Quit Clock?

I have heard a lot of people here say they have slipped and had to start all over and reset their quit clock.  So what consitutes a relapse in your book?  Is it a puff, a cigarette, is it smoking for 1 day, a whole pack, a weekend, a week, a month......I'm just curious what other people consider a relapse.  Do you hold yourself to the same timeframe if you have not smoked for a week vs. 10 years?

Last updated 7 hours ago by Jaynalynn

I have been completely  smoke free for 3 days now. If i subtract the one ciggerette that i smoked friday night it has be 5 days. But  I don't think that does me any justice. I would have to say that any nicotine in your systems would be a relapse. At the end of the day its the reasons we quit that really matters. 

Stay strong

Digitalcheffe 6 hours ago


I'm with the above.  Sneaking a drag or smoking a whole cigarette - or whole day or pack - bottom line is, you smoked!  It's time to be honest with ourselves.   We can sneak around and hide our smoking from our spouse, our parents, our coworkers - but dang if we can hide it from ourselves.  You KNOW it's going to taste bad.  You KNOW it's going to smell bad.  You KNOW how hard the first few days are.  Is it worth it?  Then it's worth resetting your quit clock.

Just my opinion - more reinforcement for myself than anything!

Sunbow 6 hours ago


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190 Replies

Got it! Thanks for clearing that up. It just seemed weird to me! I am so glad she is a support to people!

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Got it! Thanks for clearing that up. It just seemed weird to me! I am so glad she is a support to people!

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To me QUIT means to stop, to cease to perform, to give up, to withdraw from, etc.  To turn back to it means you haven't QUIT. 

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Well this is a reason why I don't keep one of those counters... as it stands right now, I'd have several. I quit on July 7th, slipped--but didn't relapse--on Jul 31 & Aug 1, stayed smoke-free after that until the 12th of August, and have now been smoke-free ever since! Its also nearly two months since using NRT gum. I like to let each tomorrow come, and then when I occaisionally pay attentiion to a calendar, its a bonus because then I get to "figure out" how long it's been since my last smoke. So, have I been quit since July 7th or August 12th? Well it was in July that I decided to quit and even during slip-ups, stuck with my resolve to stay quit. No matter, today I'm smoke free.

My opinion is if you slip for a day here or there, you've slipped... if you slip for a day, and then consciously continue to smoke, well, then you've relapsed. 

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For me, taking one puff just reaffirmed my decision to quit.  I took one drag on my 2nd or 3rd day of quitting, and it made me vomit! I thought "Wow, my body is sending a VERY strong message, eh?"  Ever since then- not a single puff. I didn't reset my calendar because it was just a slip- not a fall. I think it's up to the individual to figure out their own standards in quitting. I don't want to reset that clock, so I'm going to be sure that last puff was THE LAST puff! It'll be 6 weeks for me at midnight, and 1.5 weeks off the gum! Just hang in there girl- you can do this!!

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It always makes me laugh when this subject comes up on any quitting site. This is a subject that can never be agreed about. And I think Jayna knows that :). Its funny how our quits are so personal and yet when this comes up it becomes so un personal. I have always believed that Im the one who has to live with what Ive done. If I smoked 3 cigs and didnt tell anyone and want to keep my clock so be it. But being the person I am If I took a puff I would have to start over to feel right in my heart. You call it whatever you want and I'll call it whatever I want. Your the one that has to live with it not me. By the way Im at 382 without one puff 🙂 Jayna you are feeling better and i like it

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Well, here I am, stumbled onto a quit smoking blog and so here I am.  Smoked forever, can't seem to get a single quit to stick.  What's wrong with me!!!!

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Looks like I need to reset my clock.  I smoked 2 cigs in September.  They made me very ill, so I won't be trying that again.








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I originaly had set my quit date on thanksgiving day. I started taking the Chantix pill the last week of September and actualy quit smoking on November 13 for good. So i guess i'm ahead of the game as far as my quit date is concerned. Doing just fine by the way This pill is amazingly wonderful..

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I quit July 2nd, 09. I was so happy and doing very well. But, that "I can have just one" thought creeped in, and nagged in the back of my mind. I was out shopping and made a horrible decision. That was about 2 weeks ago. Ever since I have regretted it and spent too much time beating myself up for it.

Once I had that first cigarette, I immediately started thinking that my quit was ruined because I would lose the beautiful 130 days from my gadget. I know better now and realize that the gadget is a great tool and its so wonderful to watch the number of days quit climb up to triple digits. But, if you slip, really look at those numbers and let them be your reason to quickly toss those cigarettes and get right back on that quit. Don't let another hour pass, don't let it turn into a full blown relapse -just toss them...slap yourself around if you have to but toss them. I can attest to how bad it feels to be facing a new quit date. I cried.

There is never just one, ever. Don't play with the demon he will kick your butt ~ and you know what?... I was kicking his so good too. *sigh

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