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Reset Quit Clock?

I have heard a lot of people here say they have slipped and had to start all over and reset their quit clock.  So what consitutes a relapse in your book?  Is it a puff, a cigarette, is it smoking for 1 day, a whole pack, a weekend, a week, a month......I'm just curious what other people consider a relapse.  Do you hold yourself to the same timeframe if you have not smoked for a week vs. 10 years?

Last updated 7 hours ago by Jaynalynn

I have been completely  smoke free for 3 days now. If i subtract the one ciggerette that i smoked friday night it has be 5 days. But  I don't think that does me any justice. I would have to say that any nicotine in your systems would be a relapse. At the end of the day its the reasons we quit that really matters. 

Stay strong

Digitalcheffe 6 hours ago


I'm with the above.  Sneaking a drag or smoking a whole cigarette - or whole day or pack - bottom line is, you smoked!  It's time to be honest with ourselves.   We can sneak around and hide our smoking from our spouse, our parents, our coworkers - but dang if we can hide it from ourselves.  You KNOW it's going to taste bad.  You KNOW it's going to smell bad.  You KNOW how hard the first few days are.  Is it worth it?  Then it's worth resetting your quit clock.

Just my opinion - more reinforcement for myself than anything!

Sunbow 6 hours ago


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190 Replies

That's the approach I used the times that I quit for One Year Plus and still relapsed! Now, if I could make it for One Year then what can I do different to make it For Life? I had most things right and yet not enough to keep me committed forever! I had to change my PERSPECTIVE and Change my ATTITUDE! I had to pledge Not One Puff EVER - and live by that commitment - NO MATTER WHAT! Read more in the BLOGS! That's where the successful quitters hang out - find out how THEY DID IT! YOU CAN,TOO!

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The attempt to rationalize a nicotine relapse is an example of your addiction hard at work.  Nicotine addiction is a progressive illness...It's constantly in the background getting stronger and just waiting for that one weak thought that will allow the nature of the beast to force its way back into your life. 

Whether you have stopped smoking for 1 day or 20 years, one drag is all it takes to put you back in full swing.  It may not happen right away, but one decision to smoke will lead to the next, which will lead to the next until your addiction has spun out of control and you are smoking more than ever. 

Be careful not to lend credibility to the lies your addiction will tell you...It wants you dead.

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To me it is a single puff ...........if you smoke you startover......I have been quit for over 1045  days and if I had a puff I would start my counter again.  It is great incentive not to.  I don't  want to lose all those days.  Everyone stay strong......N.O.P.E   Not One Puff Ever 🙂 

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To me it is a single puff ...........if you smoke you startover......I have been quit for over 1045  days and if I had a puff I would start my counter again.  It is great incentive not to.  I don't  want to lose all those days.  Everyone stay strong......N.O.P.E   Not One Puff Ever 🙂 

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"Quit clock". It's easier to quit the quit clock than to quit smoking. How about a quit calender? 

I need some one to help me make my friend quit smoking first. It's because of'em I started it. And now it's because of them...I am smoking. Every time I want to hold myself back from lighting of them does it for me.

I think I should quit my friends first. Ha ha ha h a.....

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"Quit clock". It's easier to quit the quit clock than to quit smoking. How about a quit calender? 

I need some one to help me make my friend quit smoking first. It's because of'em I started it. And now it's because of them...I am smoking. Every time I want to hold myself back from lighting of them does it for me.

I think I should quit my friends first. Ha ha ha h a.....

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Pretty soon now, I will have 2 years.  Well actually not until Mother's Day.  My son has been staying with me for a while and he still smokes.  Sometimes it gets pretty tempting, but I refuse to give in.  I smoked for over 45 years, sometimes 3 or more packs a day.  When I hear him cough like he's throwing up pieces of his lungs it breaks my heart, but he has to want to quit himself.  Sometimes it really helps to remember what it was like.

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wow i'm just getting started here and i'm really impressed. i've seen alot in the program that i've just never thought about before. i'm really committed to the word quit but i've got a lot to learn before i even think about quitting. i'm going to start with the separation thing rite away in the morning and go from there. wish me some will power and a little bit of luck. thanks guys& gals.

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Did you really affirm your quit??? Or did you give yourself an even more permeable barrier that's harder to stay behind? Only YOU can answer that question!!! One thing I do know!!! If you go to the BLOGS you will get support from folks who quit straight out and never looked back and from those who had repeated false starts but then finally got their ducks lined up in a row and SUCCEEDED!!! BLOG your story and get support today!!! We're waiting to hear from YOU!

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If you smoke, you have not quit.  that how I see it. Be honest with yourself first,  that will bring you closer to your final quit1

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