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Repeal Replace!

You may have thought this would be political.  Wrong!  I thought it would be a good topic to get your attention.  It’s about those damn stinkin’ cigarettes.  Sorry Mark  I said damn, oops said it again. Hopefully that is as far as it will go but as Joe Biden stated this a Big…  My thoughts would not allow me to sleep so here I am writing this blog “after midnight”.  Gee that’s a song title. 

Let’s break it down.  Repeal, the action of revokiImage result for repeal replaceng a law, in my layman’s terms, get rid of, disavow, remove, do away with, and any other word you may want to use.   Yep, we got to get rid of those stinkin sickerettes.  They can no longer be in control. In order to do that you have to be determined to NOPE not one puff ever attitude.  Nothing, no one, can or  will stop you or even get in your way if you are willing.   If I took a vote right now I am sure others here would be in agreement.  

 It is very important to educate yourself about nicotine addiction in order to be successful. Are you reading the suggested material or are you just going along hoping something sticks like spaghetti?  If not ,you may have some difficulty.  Now repealing is something that no one can do for you.  It has to come from within. No matter what crisis you are having you will not use it as an EXcuse to smoke. It is doable. More to follow on that topic in another blog.  Go through the process and study what your triggers are to be prepared not smoke NOPE. 

Be determined to do whatever is necessary not to “pick up”.  That is a druggie’s term.  Just being real.  When it comes to nicotine we are druggies.  Okay, back to repeal.   If you are serious about your quit you will not have a problem getting rid of those stinkin sickerettes.   Along with the other smoking paraphernalia i.e. lighters, ashtrays, smoking jackets, cigarette pouches, rolling papers, rolling machines, snuff, chewing tobacco, tobacco etc.  

All of it must GO!  Image result for throwing away cigarettes You will no longer need them for a forever quit. If you are serious there is no need for sentimental value attachments. Now if you have some stinkin cigarettes around hiding for “just in case” you need one you are fooling yourself and are not ready. As Sean Spicer would say “this is ridiculous to get the message and avoid the substance”. So until you repeal them you are not on your forever quit journey.  I have heard some say oh well, I kept mine and did not have a problem.  Guess what?  You may not have the same. LUCK.  Forget that!  Make a vow never to put another one to your lips and keep the commitment to yourself.

Are you willing?  Are you ready to replace?  If you are ready.  Here we go!  As far as replacing I will suggest what worked for me.   I started drinking lots of lemon water, lots and lots and lots of it. I drank with a straw. Sometimes I chewed the straw.  Tooth picks where my take along.  Iced cold water. I gurgled.  Lots of it.  Freeze pops cooled me down in the summer.  Licorice root and tea helped my cough.  I stayed busy, cleaning closets and reorganizing my life.

I kept my hands busy.  Breathing exercises worked wonders for me.   I learned the concept of mindfulness.  Do a word search and find some topics on mindfulness. Walking, even in the snow, who would have thought?  Coloring books, puzzles, chewing gum, healthy snacks and not so healthy snacks. I was on this site almost every morning having coffee while RBR (Reading Blogging &.Researching). If you get a chance read some of them.  If an urge would come I told myself that “I don’t do that anymore” and let it ride.  I said I was nonsmoker and started believing it.  If you are willing to repeal and replace smoking EX is a great place to start. Get started today. Stay close, be mindful and never give up.

P.S.  BTW take what you can use and leave the rest.  Cancer is a Big….Deal.  COPD is a Big….deal.




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8 Replies

Every @#$%ing word is the absolute TRUTH!
Thanks for waking me up! I hope some new members wake up too and smell the coffee!


Community Manager
Community Manager

JACKIE1-25-15‌ Damn isn't a swear word on this site unless it is directed at another member of the community so no need to apologize. 

Carry on!

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

Awesome blog post JACKIE1-25-15 , Amen and Amen again thank you my friend and fellow Exer, our quits are 100 % vital to our quality of life which means our lives are depending on us to quit smoking and Remain quit! 


Jackie, what a GREAT analogy, thanks for writing this.  "After Midnight" is one of my favorite songs, I used to work 3-11:30 when I was a nurse so after midnight meant I was home or on my way home!


Jackie----you do some GREAT writing after midnight! What a thoughtful analogy. Enjoyed reading this very much.


Thank you.  You write very well yourself.  don't come close to your writings.

0 Kudos

Thanks Jackie! 

0 Kudos

I loved it so much.  Thank you for adding this.  It is wonderfully helpful!