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Remembering Why - Pressing On

Today is the 8th day of my Quit and no it hasn't been easy, but it wasn't easy being a slave to my addiction. About 45 days ago I found out that I had a tumor in my parotid gland and would that I would need parotidectomy surgery to remove it. Although my doctor didn't tell my smoking caused the tumor I knew it most certainly didn't prevent it nor would it benefit my future health. For me, it was a big warning sign that I needed to stop being so careless with my life and that I needed to stop smoking. I immediately asked my doctor to prescribe something to help me stop smoking and he gave me bupropion. I took the pills for a little over 3 weeks while I continued to smoke. I kept saying to myself I wasn't quite ready. Every cigarette I lit up tasted horrible; the bupropion was doing its job. By now surgery was 6 days away and I was still puffing away. I realized I was playing a game with myself and If I was going to quit I needed to start. That day I threw away all my emergency packs as I smoked my last one. Since that day I haven't picked up one. N.O.P.E!  Some days it's harder than others.

My surgery was 3 days ago. I'm on the healing side and all the anxiety that I had leading up to the surgery is now gone. The surgery is behind me but that old addiction is right there saying, "hey everything is ok now, let's go have a smoke", but I don't answer that stupid ole addiction. I just keep remembering why I stopped in the first place then I keep pressing on. It's hard yes, but it was hard to be a slave to some tobacco wrapped in paper. I have to keep remembering. I have to keep pressing on. And when I wake up tomorrow I have to do it all over again. 

26 Replies

Congrats on your quit. I finally had to write down my reasons for quitting as during the real difficult days it was sometimes hard to remember. On those days I just had to put trust in to myself knowing there was no way in heck I would have done such a HUGE thing without a good reason. Let’s  face it, no matter our reasons for our quit, there is NO good reasons for smoking. It will get easier.... look around at all the millions of people that have survived just fine having never smoked...

Stay amazing!



Awesome words of encouragement!

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Sorry, I'm late responding AGAIN.  Been trying to get a new computer up and running.  Congrats on 8 days of being smoke free.   You've already gotten hell week under your belt.  Certainly having had surgery to look forward to could only have added to your stress.  But you did it!   If you can do that, you know you've got this beat.  Happy to hear the surgery is over and it went well.   Thinks it's pretty normal to think that's over with, now I can go back to my old behaviors.   But this time, you know better.  Your body is on the mend from the surgery and smoking.  Keep moving forward with your quit.  Reach out if you help.

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  • Barb


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Congratulations on your 8 day quit  and I so glad your surgery went well have a speedy recovery 




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Hi Cfbays. Thanks for your encouragement on my conversation. And for sharing this story.  I hope your surgery recovery is going well.

Im just 5 days in so we're both new. I find it remarkable that the addiction is so strong and yet once the time finally arrives where the precipice grows bigger to smoke, it really isnt that hard! I should knock on wood as i know there will be challenging triggers ahead, but i shake my head at what a slave i was to it just last week and for so many months and years. Bizarre.

I do remember this from my earlier quits but its useless when in the thick of the drug.

Anyway, good luck with all and this is such a fantastic community! Deals with the one main trigger-the times when we're alone.


Hardtoquit (Cathy)