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Give and get support around quitting



Fell off the wagon a while ago. Kind of quit on quitting . im ready to restart the process and it seems harder than ever . pretty much ashamed . does anyone have any tips or tricks to get over the shame and restart the process

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40 Respuestas

Think positive.  You are not a failure.  You are a success!  You have already won this!  Now you just have to prove it to yourself.  Believe that you want to quit.  I know that you DO.  You wouldn't be here otherwise.  But your addiction to nicotine is going to creep in as soon as you try and attempt to convince you that you really don't want to quit.  That's a lie.  You'll want your fix, that's true, but you don't really want to smoke and you don't really want to be a slave to addiction.  Read up!  Understand your addiction.  It empowers you to fight back.  Knowledge is power.  Get smart.  Don't smoke.  Be Free!

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puff-tm-draggin‌, you have to stop, I am already hypnotized and this is during my business hours...

What a Big goofy Family we are! We have a saying, you know - 

Take what you want and leave the rest

to be helpful is our only goal!

Put your past Quits behind you!

You're starting a New Day and a new chance to become an EX! 

Don't let the past prevent you from the rest of your LIFE!


I love this OTHER serenity prayer Thomas !!!

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Cmsullivan‌ I really hope that you stick around and grow with us...we all started at the same place, some of us fell off the wagon, the wagon ran over some of us.  The KEY is to keep day at a hour, one minute, one second at a time.  One step...sometimes BABY steps.  We can ALL be successful at quitting, it is a journey and not an event.  I am really hoping you stick around!



Hey elvan , thanks for the kind words. I was a little hesitant to come back because of a previous reply . then i remembered its not about them its about me . can't let negative people bring me down . past few days have been rough but i think I'm on the right track 


Cmsullivan‌ It IS about you, we each own our OWN quits and that "take what you like and leave the rest" phrase is not just a silly statement.  You CAN do this, one day at a time...I will not tell you that it is easy because that was not my personal experience.  I worked my quit at the beginning and I work it now.  It's a journey.  We are here to help you in any way that we can!


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Cmsullivan‌  I just saw your post, and I didn't see the one response that was mean.  I'm glad you came back, because this group and site is what is making my quit very strong!  Being in this group is the difference between a hard quit and an educated quit.  Who knew there was so much to know about the dang addiction, I had no clue.  But after all the reading I did on here and other sites, I can now say that smoking is no longer an option, it just isn't. And ever since I came to that conclusion, it has been better sailing. So welcome to the group and goodness never be ashamed of being human, you came here and are taking the steps needed to get back to being a non smoker, how awesome is that.  I am still a newbie, but like I said this group right here, made all of the difference in my quit. 

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sayings welcome back.gif

So many comments with  good advice  and humor too !!! 

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