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Give and get support around quitting


Recovering Smoker | Huge Fan of Smoking Behavior Modification

Hello all!  My name is Michael.  I quit smoking almost 2 years ago.  I had tried numerous times in the past unsuccessfully to stop smoking.  Well, I stopped smoking many times, but was always right around the corner from yet another relapse.  The difference in the last time I quit smoking and every other previous attempt was a serious attention placed on the emotions I'd been escaping my entire life. 

Nicotine addiction is not unlike any other addiction like alcoholism and other deadly illnesses of the soul.  Smoking allowed me to stay in a protected bubble, and when I stopped smoking, I stayed addicted to nicotine so I could keep ignoring the truth:  I was spritually and emotionally sick, and I needed a design for living that would work or face a horrible death caused by smoking.

I started to take an inventory of my daily life and the events of my past that had turned me into a miserable human being.  When I started allowing myself the right to feel my every day emotions and respond to life rather than react, I began to recover from the need to escape, thus recovering from the source of my nicotine addiction.

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